It is also the year that Morris starts to receive a 900 pound a year inheritance. This letter is to his mother Emma…….
"My dear Mother,
I am almost afraid you thought me scarcely in ernest when I told you a month or two ago that I did not intend taking Holy Orders; if this is the case I am afraid also that my letter now may vex you; but if you have really made up your mind that I was in earnest I should hope you will be pleased with my resolution. You said then, you remember, and said very truly, that it was an evil thing to be an idle, objectless man; I am fully determined not to incur this reproach………I wish now to be an architect, an occupation I have often had hankering after, even during the time when I intended taking Holy Orders………If I were not to follow this occupation I in truth know not what I should follow with any chance of success, or hope of happiness in my work, in this I am pretty confident I shall succeed, and make I hope a decent architect sooner or later; and you know too that in any work that one delights in, even the merest drudgery connected with it is delightful too - I shall be a master too of a useful trade, one by which I should hope to earn money, not altogether precariously, if other things fail." We now know that Morris did not fulfil this wish but instead gave us such delight in his textile designs as seen here inside the Exeter College chapel………
In this same letter Morris goes on to describe his letter as being a "long and silly letter about a simple matter"…….and it also includes this paragraph that has become one of his most frequently shared quotes (and i just love it!)…..
"You see I do not hope to be great at all in anything, but perhaps I may reasonably hope to be happy in my work, and sometimes when I am idle and doing nothing, pleasant visions go past me of the things that may be."
This afternoon I headed down to the river for a walk where I enjoyed the chirping blue wrens on the ground and the majestic pelicans gliding overhead…..it is such a great time to reflect and plan the weeks ahead…………
I've already started on designs for the Beatrix Potter book and this first one is my interpretation of a sketch that Beatrix did when she was only 15. Last night I was emailing Helen from Whitecroft Tours as it was her book that led me to this sketch. Apparently the Potter family spent holidays at Dalguise House in Scotland so I wonder if this was a plaster ornament in the house that inspired her sketch. On the left is the book and the right is Beatrix's sketch with mine below (I think a repeat pattern might make a nice bell-pull!)………..
Of course some projects will feature some of her other talent……….and yes this is how my appliqué starts with very rough sketches!
Helen and I share a unique bond and we also share many coincidences in life including both losing a brother to cancer far too young. When I first met Helen several years ago she planted the seed by telling me I just had to do a "Beatrix Potter" appliqué book! So five years later I am taking the plunge! And why would Helen tell me to do that….well Helen used to be the chairperson of the Beatrix Potter Society and here she is with the delightful Patricia Routledge who left some of us with a lasting impression as Mrs Bucket / Bouquet in the series "Keeping up Appearances". Here is Helen and Patricia together at the launch of the Beatrix Potter Rose and you can read more about that here………
So it seems fitting to finish with a little more from Helen. Some of you may recall that Helen flew the Aussie flag when I was staying with her in Devon last year…..well here is the flag today in misty Devon celebrating the arrival of the new princess……….love you Helen! x
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