And 'lows' to some might be 'highs' to is so often relative to who we are and the journey our lives have taken. I can recall back in 1984 when I was feeding our second daughter (in the days where one had to retreat to the public toilet to breastfeed!!), another new Mum was sitting in the corner crying as her newborn had just received her first immunisations. And there was I sitting with a fragile life that could barely breathe just a few weeks after life saving heart surgery at the age of one week! It is all relative and so this past week we have shared some 'lows'. This very same daughter is going through a massive restructure at her workplace where jobs will be lost and futures are uncertain. To hear your adult daughter crying on the phone is heart wrenching and we are glad that we were here for her. Our other daughter is also going through stressful times at work and working extra shifts on scheduled rostered days off and all while trying to be a Mum as we've helped out where we can including some fun decorating cakes a few days ago.............
On another day we decided to take them to the National Railway Museum and by the smiles you can see it was a good day.........
But we had a few 'hills' ourselves some partly self inflicted! Try embroidering a piece of work for many hours and then pressing fusible webbing on to it instead of on the back! Then Larry forgot to press 'save' and lost three and a half hours of a report he was typing! Then I printed a stack of work for the tours and found things didn't line up on the there went another entire night! And a bit of a hiccough when unpacking some books but we won't say too much about that as it is all in hand (we hope!)..........
But Larry and I do try to walk each day - well maybe every second day and in what we call the 'village' of Old Noarlunga just one minute from home. While walking we noticed a couple of very brave lads scaling the cliffs....we cheered when they managed to get back to the bridge!There are several homes that have our name on them for the wishful lotto win!.......
I also managed to meet the new Decorative Arts Curator at the Art Gallery during the past week.............
Photo Source....if you click on the photo source link you can read all about her. So a quick visit to the Morris room once again and it is wonderful to hear changes are planned..........
It was great to catch up with a friend for lunch even though it hailed and these poor bears got sodden............

So with just seven sleeps till we leave I had better get back to some more chores x