Thankyou to those of you who have sent me emails to see if "all is well" with us......looks like I had better continue sharing "this journey called life" with you all....I am sorry it has been almost a month since I last posted! We are all okay but have had some sadness surrounding us for several weeks. Friends have lost parents, another succumbed to the enemy called cancer and our younger daughter continues the unenviable challenge of mental illness that affects us all. We've had a couple of funerals this week and that always reminds us that with life there is also death and one needs to make the most of every day.....that is such a cliche and for so many it is not that easy. We did have a little escape to the Riverland for a few days........

And next week we are escaping again to our favourite place Robe to celebrate 43 years of marriage. And what a "journey" that has been with our fair share of ups and downs. Last week I took a friend who had lost her Mum suddenly and unexpectedly for a drive through our lovely Adelaide Hills to see some of the Autumn colours. We were a bit late for the full colour at the Mt Lofty Botanical gardens but in nearby Stirling and Aldgate the colours still glowed.........
We have had Anzac Day and Mother's Day pass us by as well........
Since I last wrote I joined our eldest daughter Emily at the VIP launch of the Cancer Council's Australia's Biggest Morning Tea Launch. Emily has run the event at Flinders Private Hospital for many years and became a VIP because of the amount she has raised. Now it has become a little more personal to us so I am hoping this is her biggest year yet! I will be reaching out to friends asking for donations soon but meanwhile the planning is in place........
Emily has her package at the ready and we have already received a very generous donation from a friend......thankyou Susan Murphy xx
I've been covering my crazy chemo hair with a scarf but just this past week all has been revealed! It is so confronting to look at ones self in the mirror yearning for the "old me". I know one should be so very grateful at this second chance in life but no-one tells you what lies ahead! If one more person tells me how lucky I am I might wallop them!! None of us asked for this detour and if I had wanted a perm I would have done that like I used to do in the 70's and 80's when it was the in thing!!! You can see how crazy it has gone.......and I am sorry.......I HATE it! I did get some colour as the grey/ white frizz that appeared made me look like I was approaching 100!!..... I found a great tutorial online for making headbands so I've made quite a few and I can kind of live with the frizz for now........
My hair has never been straight and I always had a bit of a wave but it is just currently crazy! I remember Beau having a head full of blonde curls when he was little and right now Maisie has the most gorgeous hair that must need lots of brushing.......When she visits after school she often likes to play the piano and I have noticed that she turns her deaf ear away from the piano. Such a difference from a few years ago..........
Maisie and Beau have a new friend to care for at home. They are not sure of her breed as she was a rescue pup but believe there is English Mastiff in the mix so Brett went searching online for a name. He was searching for famous British women and of course Beatrix Potter came here is Beatrix fondly known as "Trixie" in their house. She has the most beautiful nature and has settled in instantly to her new home......... Wade is growing so fast and I was thrilled to receive this photo of him trying on an outfit for a wedding......hard to believe he came into this world 12 weeks early weighing just 1000gms and it is also hard to believe he will be four at the end of October!.......Once again we have had great joy watching "this journey called life" in the garden from caterpillar to butterfly.......the children (and Larry!), never tire of searching and counting..........
We also search for rainbows that come in all forms........
And recently I came across the most wonderful book full of rainbow prose that helps with the meaning of "this journey called life". The book "The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse" is one every household should have and is written by Charlie Mackesy........
I love every page and these are a few that hit close to my heart.........
I have also enjoyed seeing snippets of William Morris online including these gorgeous biscuits that the Canadian Morris Society shared. They are made by Ella Makes Cakes and nearly all her biscuits are inspired by Morris designs......just amazing and I know I would not be able to bite into them!......Some time back Viv in New Zealand sent me photos of her stunning quilt based around some of my design work from the Thorngrove Manor quilt. I love it in just black and white and thankyou Viv for sharing x
So if you have come this far I say thankyou. Our fingers are tightly crossed as Emily waits on her BRCA2 results....... and I remind myself everyday of these words as we try to figure out "this journey called life". Love to you wherever you are........