It is hard to believe that it will be a month tomorrow since little Wade arrived. These past four weeks have been consumed with thoughts of how he is progressing and even more so for Sophie and Tim. Wade has good days and bad days and the journey is certainly a long one. I went to an information session with Sophie on Tuesday morning to hear of the different support that he may be needing in the future. It included presentations from a social worker, speech pathologist, physiotherapist, discharge nurse and even a music therapist. It was quite overwhelming but at the same time wonderful that so much support is available. We can't just visit when we like and even Sophie has to phone before she goes but each visit is very special. Yesterday Larry and I did visit and it was heart warming to see him having cuddles. Sophie and Tim are not allowed to take him out of the isolette on their own so yesterday it was wonderful to be there as the nurse prepared him......

It is hard not to think of them all constantly and it is inevitable that the mind goes back to personal experience. I've had some wonderful support from others and in some small way I can understand what Sophie is going through having had her so very sick when she was born 33 years ago. She didn't come home for almost a month after needing life saving heart surgery but this journey is hers with Tim and Wade. We received a lovely card from Canberra a few days ago to welcome Wade, (thankyou Maria x), and I was also overwhelmed with another card that came all the way from the US. This time from the team that have done co-editions of my books - CT Publishing. Their heartfelt words truly touched me.......
So while trying to find a balance without overthinking I've had some quiet but productive time. It is another serendipitous moment that I recall this lovely piece from AA Milne as we are planning to go and see the new Christopher Robin movie next week..........
I grew up reading AA Milne along with Milly, Molly Mandy, the Narnia books from CS Lewis, Swallows and Amazons and of course Beatrix Potter. One thing my late mother would not allow was Enid Blyton. I have no idea why but it was banned in our house, so as soon as our girls were born I purchased a couple! I have re-read the Swallows and Amazons books as has Larry as he had never heard of them so it was so fitting when we were in the Lakes in the UK last year. But re-reading Little Black Sambo left me bewildered as it is a pretty gruesome tale!.......
I've also pinned a quilt ready for quilting and of course found a section that I had omitted to appliqué! I have pinned it rather than spray baste as it is quite large and the best space to do that was in the carport.......
I also found a little panel to make a counting book that I think I bought for Beau many years now it is complete for Wade......
We have had an enormous crop of parsley so I decided to have a go at making pesto. I threw in some lemon infused olive oil, some dukkah that was in the cupboard and loads of garlic in the kitchen wiz.....two jars ready to go.......
It was scrumptious on pasta and we also had it on steaks cooked on the new Weber Q. We seem to be the last members of the family to have one and it has certainly been well used in the short time we have had cooks the most amazing steak in under 10 minutes with the added bonus of no mess in the kitchen!
So we are finding balance in our lives and are here for family when needed...tomorrow we are taking Beau and Maisie out for the day so that will be a great diversion. Hope all is well in your part of the world x