Well it is a Monday and Motivation has been on my mind for many weeks! I (like many others), have found the need to reach out to those who have been on this same detour I've been on.....especially those with the not so common triple negative type of breast cancer that has its own unique set of circumstances. I follow quite a few girls on Instagram but it saddens me that so many are so young. Many in their 20's and 30's struggling to care for little children while they cope with the challenge of treatment. But I have found so many to be so inspiring and personally I have gained a lot from many who have shared their most fragile and positive moments. It makes one feel like they are not alone and I have especially enjoyed some of the motivational quotes that they share. My favourite would have to be this one that I found from Brene Brown....

As I've mentioned a few times before I have been toying with the idea of stopping this blog but an email from a stranger a few weeks ago tugged at my thoughts. It came soon after I had been apologising for sharing all the "personal stuff" and she asked me to keep sharing as she finds it motivating especially as she had also just recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. I have also received messages on social media telling me I have been an inspiration!! I was a bit taken aback by that but came to realise that I too have sent messages to others thanking them for sharing their experience and that I also found them inspirational and motivating! So that quote from Brene sums it all up as does this one (that I am hoping is from Christin Lewis at the Luv u Project).......

And I can certainly attest to these very words.....one might look like they are being positive and smiling on the outside but inside they are often trying to stay afloat paddling like crazy! So if I help just one other person via this blog then I am glad. I saw my surgeon on Monday and found out I need to have some "tidy up" surgery on my chest. This is apparently not uncommon and as I am losing weight there is some extra unwanted (and uncomfortable), bulges that need to be removed from under both armpits! And of course I also have to have my ovaries and tubes removed but I've asked if I can have a few months break to truly get myself a little fitter and definitely a lot more motivated. I have started Pilates and am trying to walk a little more but the fatigue is still a daily challenge. I also asked the difficult question of "What now?" knowing that this type of breast cancer has a nasty habit of rearing its ugly head in the first couple of years. He said if I develop a cough or pain in my ribs I need to return pronto, so for now one needs to remove all those negative thoughts and get motivated for many years of good health ahead! And with these little people growing so fast we have lots to look forward to. Beau has turned nine since my last post and it was lovely to have the three of them together for some of his special day after school......with candles and photo album memories at the end of the day.......
Today is also a public holiday in our state for a jolly horse race of all things so I guess if that is your thing then we'll take the holiday! And it is also International Women's Day (but I am sure there should be an International Men's Day as well especially acknowledging the support the man in this house has shown to me these past months....can I say that??!). So today we had the opportunity to meet a couple who came on one of my William Morris in Adelaide Tours in 2018 (that I hope I can start again one day!). We shared a thoroughly enjoyable long lunch trying to solve the world's problems. Merrilyn and Rob had driven here from Wodonga in Victoria for Rob's sister's 60th birthday and I was thrilled when Merrilyn contacted us for a catch up while they were here. Google tells me the drive is a long one of 858 kms but they came a longer way to see more sights along the way. I met Merrilyn 9 years ago through quilting in Bright, Victoria and the blog is great for looking back on that day HERE! The day before that event we had driven to the snowfields and when Angela of Sew Bright Alpine Sewing found out I was in the area she rustled up some girls to join me for the day! And here is Merrilyn second from left.......we just immediately clicked and there was hardly any time to eat between the two hours of natter today......thankyou so much guys for a very enjoyable and motivating lunch date!.....

When the energy levels allow we have been out and about and we enjoyed a lovely country drive one day...... I love old buildings and this very old mill is on the market but needs a LOT of renovation! Those hand built steps and walls would certainly have some stories to tell.......
This week I received a message from our local cafe State of Mind enquiring after me as he hadn't seen us for a while......such a lovely guy is Ryan! So a delicious smoked salmon bagel was the order of the day and then Ryan's Dad dropped by in his Rolls Royce! He told me to get in and take it for a spin but I was a wee bit too scared to do that and not sure Larry was brave enough either! But I can tell you this is one very stunning vehicle.......they sure don't make them like that anymore!....(and check out the picnic basket and mugs in the boot!!).....

Since the last post we have also had a little morning tea gathering for a friend's 60th birthday. Chris has the most beautiful home and hanging in the formal lounge I found a William Morris inspired quilt! (and the most wonderful chess set!).......
With all this motivation and time of reflection it makes one reflect on one's life. I've never been one to celebrate the accolades especially for the awards I've received for some of my quilts going back to 2005! They have been stored away for many years so I was motivated to get them all out and put them on display in the sewing room.......
So then it was a tidy up and a reminder that William Morris is evident in all sorts of places....and even Mrs Tiggy Winkle keeps the iron free of dust. I also collect pesky seam threads as I am pressing my quilt tops...and what a colourful bundle it has become........
Recently we upgraded to a smart TV so when we were on that country drive we visited a second hand store looking for something to hold my Morris light as there is no longer room for it on the TV cabinet. So William Morris was in mind when I came across this Arts & Crafts style table that seemed just right. It probably needs a little restoration but for now it is perfect and it was a bargain!........
And finally some more Morris that came in the post from a friend....such lovely words that mean a lot. Thankyou Judy x
So until next time another thankyou for dropping by and for making it this far if you read it all! Take care x