Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Escaping with needle and thread

 I almost forgot how to write a new blog post this morning so I must try to do it more often. (How many times have I been saying that!). So greetings from sunny South Australia ☺ It was a lovely email that I received today from Claudia in Northern Germany that prompted me to write this....Hi Claudia! The internet certainly allows us to meet others from afar and it is especially wonderful that we can share our love of stitching. I am so very grateful to have a sewing space to escape to and I cannot imagine my life without the solace of stitching. At times I will have a burst of energy and spend days on end creating but then boom, the fatigue hits as I am reminded of living with a ticker that decides to tick erratically from time to time. Seeing as it has been well over four months since I said hello that means there is lots to show........but can I remember how to upload photos??!! First up is a stack of little gifts made for others...prizes for a village dinner that include handy cubes, spectacle case and placemats.....

Some weeks back I was given some furnishing fabric swatch samples that had been donated to a local op shop so I turned them into zippered purses and donated them back to the op shop to sell......

A small group of friends and I  make quilts for others and we were recently donated eight hand appliquéd blocks so I turned them into two quilts to be donated to a palliative care unit........

Another finish of a quilt for a new baby girl and another on the bed from a Morris jelly roll I was given (and thanks to my dear friend Faye for machine quilting it for me)......
I've also been "repurposing" some very old quilts of mine. They are too old to give away and are just languishing in a cupboard. So now they are zippered items to give away at special events.....
It goes without saying that we have had some precious times with the younger people in our lives. We had their company during the Christmas holidays and again just last week for the term one break. Maisie and Wade enjoy each others company and the first image was at Christmas and the other a few days ago......how quickly they grow......
Our local library puts on great free holiday activities that Beau and Maisie enjoyed in January as well as time at the nearby beach.....

Last week Wade and Maisie created a pretend cafe in the nearby playground and produced delicious wraps from paperbark and vegetation....Maisie is so imaginative.......

A stroll through our village (that we really call a small town in South Australia), you can find history recorded on some of the cottage fences.....

Christ Church Yankalilla built in 1857 is a short stroll away and on that link you can read about an image of the Virgin Mary that has become a shrine that people from around the world have come to visit......

During holiday periods the small township of Yankalilla becomes very busy with visitors. We are amazed at the number of caravans and there is always a long line up outside the bakery.....

So that has been a small snap shot of our lives these past few months. Thanks for dropping by and reading this far. I will leave you with my latest skill of finally perfected a victoria sponge! It reminds me of recent a visit I had from a couple of roving reporters from SA Quilters. Cindy and Jane have been visiting sewing rooms for about 3 years now and a few weeks ago they came to see mine. I insisted on a couple of special friends being with me so I baked a sponge for the occasion. Hope you can see the video link! Till next time take care x


  1. Thank you Michele a lovely read. Would love to read some more of your blog in the future. Loved the photos. Xx

  2. Sorry. Sue pike Port Vincent.

  3. Good to hear from you Michele, sorry our phone call was brief, will try again another day. looking forward to catching up soon

  4. Wonderful.

  5. It was so very lovely of you to share some of your daily life with your family & town as well. Glad to hear from you again. Thank you from Melrose, Florida USA

  6. Thank you Michele for your update. Your hands are not idle. You do produce a lot and with love. Love Aand hugs

  7. So lovely to hear your news. I think of you often and wonder how you are there in SA. Much love Nikki

  8. I'm glad to see you are busy even though your only blogging occasionally. Your photos are always so pretty and makes me wish I could come visit. The children are certainly growing up aren't they! Keep busy it is the best thing to do. Stitching is the best thing for your well being. My thoughts are always with you.

  9. So special to read your blog again and to hear that you have been busy stitching and enjoying the grandchildren.

  10. Cheryl Chambers26 April 2024 at 07:57

    So excited to read that you have been so productive. You are amazing as always 💕

  11. Viv Templeton8 May 2024 at 15:12

    Hi Michele great to get an update. Since my diagnosis I have suffered from fatigue and have to make myself get up and do things. It's getting better and sewing is never a chore. Enjoy your grandchildren.

  12. Hello again from Alaska! Alexander Moriarty here; moriartyalexm@gmail.com. I just picked up a copy of your second Morris appliqué book to join the first on my shelf and am so excited to read it tomorrow! I'm quilting away and recently got a serger and learned how to crochet over the winter. Hope you are doing well and glad to see another blog post from you!


Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x