First of all a huge thankyou from the bottom of my heart for all your lovely messages from my last post. I wish I could answer you all personally but many were not linked to an email address but please know the difference it makes having such wonderful support. The 'detour' begins this week with weekly chemotherapy for 12 weeks so I might be absent for lengthy periods! It has been a very busy two weeks having many scans and further tests and knowing I have an aggressive form of cancer means that I am going to be determined and somewhat aggressive in kicking it into oblivion! I have learnt so much in this short space of time but can't absorb any more information.....I will just go with the flow and do my best to keep my chin up when I am feeling low. I have all sorts of headwear ready and waiting and my scarves might come in very handy on my head instead of my neck!.......

I will certainly miss cuddles with the little people in our lives but I've had many these past couple of weeks. Only yesterday I spent the afternoon with Beau on our own. We went for a long walk on the beach and he kept grabbing my hand and telling me I was awesome. I asked him why and he said "because you are famous Nanna"!! I told him I was only famous in the quilting world but he still thought it was "awesome" as it meant he is famous too!
Maisie had her ears pierced a week ago and it was an extra special treat for her confidence with her little microtia ear.......
Cuddles with Wade will be few and far between and my oncologist has said No to any childcare. The other day I asked for a smile and what a cracker this one was!!.......
I have met so many of you across Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Canada and the US and I know many of you have travelled this rather unpleasant detour as well, so I am most definitely not alone. So please forgive me if your emails or messages are left unanswered for a time.....I will try my best to keep up with them. I've received more flowers this past week and it has been joyful to watch them each day.........
The garden is also changing with Spring just around the corner so there will be more blooms to enjoy........
I will leave you with this lovely photo from Hellen in New Zealand. She has just completed it from a class that I taught in New Zealand a couple of years ago. I just love the bright colours that Hellen has used.....a bright and happy quilt that makes me smile. Thankyou Hellen x Take care all and I hope that my next chat is not too far away x