My first William Morris rose has bloomed..........(this was a gift 2 years ago from a very special friend in Melbourne - thankyou Maree x). I have been told this rose is no longer available but there is still much information on the Internet about it;
http://www.davidaustinroses.com/australian/showrose.asp?showr=3413We have also been doing up the bedrooms in our house - painting and new carpet this week....my gosh that is no mean feat - it is like moving house having to pack and move everything out of 3 bedrooms - Aaaagh!!
I have had a dream to have a black & white room for some time which is why I originally made the black & white brocade style quilt. I recently found a beautiful chair for the room....thought I would show it off!!

And last week Betty and I had the 1st trading table for the aged care facility...here we are with all the bears and coat-hangers!!! All bears but one were sold before the day!