My goodness it is 3 months since I last wrote anything! I am definitely not a good blogger! It has been a hectic 3 months since the last entry. I have had to move my sick Mum into full time care and we have had our annual exhibition. Lots of wonderful entries and a few of them will be going to Melbourne on display at the annual convention in Feb 2009. Have a look at some of the winners at the Guild website; http://www.saquilters.org.au/
Click on Exhibitions to see the 2008 winners. Congratulations to Elizabeth Camping for her Best of Show award - well deserved to a humble lady who makes wonderful Japanese inspired works. As convener I got to choose a favourite and I couldn't go past Rachelle Denneney's Persistent Peacock as you can see here (detail). The quilt will be in Melbourne at the convention;http://www.aqc.com.au/melbourne09.php
I am really excited to be travelling next year to various parts of Australia including Norfolk Island. Have a look at this link and contact Michael and Nicola at Kiwi travel & tours for a wonderful week of sewing and relaxation. Have a look: http://www.kiwitravelandtours.com/itineraries/Norfolk_Island_Itinerary.pdf
And these are the tutors:
The book is in Hong Kong and will hopefully be out early in the New year. Very exciting to see it on C&T Publishing's new release list!!
The book is in Hong Kong and will hopefully be out early in the New year. Very exciting to see it on C&T Publishing's new release list!!
For those who drop by and read this blog - thank you and I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and happy and healthy 2009.