It never ceases to amaze me how diligent people are with their blogs - I am not one of those people! Sorry if you visit frequently!!
The last couple of months have been an emotional journey for me - seems a bit irrelevant now as we hear of the devastation and loss of life in Victoria with the bushfires. Something a lot of us cannot comprehend but our hearts are certainly with those who have and are suffering.
For me it was the loss of my Mum a few days before Christmas - I miss her every day and I was so sad that she didn't see the book in its final stage. A photo of my Mum with one of her beloved hydrangeas and a snapshot of just a few of the amazing condolence flowers that I was sent.
The other amazing journey was the book launch last week. 200 friends and family stood in the most unbearable heat in a small hall! I am so grateful and humbled by the overwhelming support - thankyou to everybody and especially to Christopher Menz, the Director of the Art Gallery of South Australia , for coming and for making a speech. Photos of yours truly with Christopher and yours truly again expressing my thanks to everyone and especially to William Morris!