
Tuesday 5 August 2014

Flowers and farewells

The sun shone for our final day together and none of us can believe it is almost 10 days since we started this wonderful Morris tour. The day began in the little village of Beckford before we moved on to Beckford Silk........

I must also mention that the cheeky gorgeous blonde below is the owner of a quilt shop in Australia.....Quilt-essentials. .....thanks for coming Jenny and for bringing two of your sisters too!

 I had to sneak a shot of this dear chappie as he was shopping with a William Morris bag that you can just see hanging from the bike handles.......
Last year I missed out on the Beckford silk visit so it was a treat to be there today. Larry and I had visited a couple of years ago and then all of a sudden last year I found Helen organising production of my designs being turned into scarves! Well today it all fell into place and I have so many ideas....stay tuned for velvet scarves and long scarves in the coming months. The family owned business produces scarves for all the major museums in the UK as you will see on their site here..........
 We had a most informative talk and tour and it was fabulous to see both the silk screen and digital print techniques.......

 We then enjoyed a "William Morris lunch" in All Saints Selsley church where all the windows are from the Morris workshop. Here is where William received his very first commission........

and the lovely ladies who served our delicious lunch............
 The churchyard is charming..........

 Our final group visit was to the stunning Bourton House gardens and we heard they have just recently featured in the English Country Life magazine........

 So tonight we share a final dinner together as we celebrate new friendships and life long memories.....thankyou once again Helen for an amazing tour ....and thanks especially to all of you who came - there would be no tour without you xx


  1. The garden pictures are divine. I would love to renew my subscription to English Country Life ---- the garden tid bits are great.

    Do hope you have your own Morris bag for errands!!

    Looking forward to your next project!!!!!!

  2. Wow -yes the days have gone so fast and we are looking forward to the next adventure. ken loved the last water head.
    Amazing photography!

  3. Amazing photos. Thank you for sharing your journey

  4. Loved following your blog Michele and so enjoyed the photo's. If was fun reliving that very first tour with you again through your words and photo's.
    Jen x


Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x