
Wednesday 6 August 2014

C = Colour + Kaffe

There were many sad faces this morning as we bid farewell to our fellow Morris travellers...a very heartfelt thankyou once again to Helen and to each and every one of you who came on the tour - it would not happen without you! I am now relaxing with Helen in her charming home in Devon but the 'show must go on' and so must the blog! On our way to Devon we did a little detour as one of our travellers was desperate to see the Kaffe Fassett Exhibition at the American Museum in Bath and what spectacular colour it was with a capital C..........


  1. Hmm! Michele and Kaffe designs = endless possibilities, could be amazing. Glad you had a great tour, enjoy the remainder.

  2. Wow all that colour could blow your socks off. Ilove Kaffe design and works, so very jealous.

  3. Your pictures cover the great staging of this show OUTSIDE as well as in. I did needlepoint before I got into quilting and never thought about doing a series of seven pillows!!!! Thank you ever so much for laying out all this color and design for we wee blog readers.


Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x