
Sunday, 15 September 2013

William Morris Gallery

Well the day finally arrived and it did not disappoint! First the bus ride to London and then the underground to Walthamstow. Even the tiles at the station had a resemblance to Morris............

It has been a 12 hour day and I am way too tired but thought I would do a bit of an overview and maybe more later.....but with 274 photos taken just at the gallery you can see how it impressed! It has been 10 years since we were there and the refurbishment is incredible. 
 We could really see why the gallery won the 2013 Art Fund Prize for Museum of the Year. There is just way too much to share in one blog but briefly each room has a theme and covers all aspects of Morris's incredible life...from design, production, his political life, his printing years and so much more. Each display is interactive and it engages you at all levels - I think you would need to spend an entire week there to see it all. There are personal pieces of Morris and the drawings are always extra special for me........

 Much to learn about his production methods and the dye process is fascinating......

The obligatory shop at the entrance........

 It was also wonderful to see so many families and activities for the children..........
 Memories of the journeys that Morris took to Iceland.........
 Resting places which Larry took advantage of........
And I wonder what the man himself would be thinking about it all...........
 Of course the other reason for our visit was to finally see the Nicola Jarvis exhibition and all the more special to be beside some of May Morris's work as well................

 It was rather humbling to see my work amongst it all as well............

A conservatory style cafe is a wonderful welcome addition and the attention to detail should be applauded.  The glass roof is etched in Morris designs as are the eye level safety marks on the glass windows and doors.......

Even a young lass at the table next to us had Morris shoes on!!.....

And of course last night was the icing on the cake.....finally meeting Nicola in person! We immediately clicked and talked non stop for about 3 hours! (poor patient Larry)
SO I am sorry this is so brief....way too tired so more again soon xx


  1. Am enjoying your trip with you, and I appreciate the time it takes for you to keep us all up to date. Hello to Larry.

  2. The etched glass is incredible ... and thank you for letting us tag along!

  3. You look to be having a fabulous time. Absolutely love the photos, and thank you for sharing them with us. Larry is indeed a patient man. I am sure you and Nicola have so much to talk about and that 3 hours will only be the tip of the iceberg.

  4. Gorgeous birds, just beautiful designs and colours, congratulations to you both on wonderful work.


Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x