
Friday 13 September 2013

Oxford Day Two contd

Well the last post was really a continuation of yesterday so now for today. Larry is already exhausted as he is snoring beside me and it is only 4.30 in the afternoon! We walked for what seemed miles again. First was a coffee in Blackwell's bookshop across the road from where we are staying. The view of the Radcliffe camera and Bodleian library from the window........

 And then I glanced over and look what I saw framed on the wall!!.....

So off we set...........

 Found your namesake canal boat Emily..........

 Lots of the colleges are closed at the moment but the Magdalen was open........

 Loved this stained glass window......
I found the other sepia coloured stained glass windows a little sombre............

We did take Vicki once again being held by Larry in the distance........
And then more walking..........

 A very serious tree branch support............

 and even Vicki needed a rest!
Tomorrow we head back to London and then Walthamstow to see the newly refurbished William Morris Gallery and of course the Nicola Jarvis exhibition and my quilt! So see you then xx

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