Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Home is where the heart is

It is always lovely to get home........especially with this delightful extra reason..............

So decisions are being made for life in the future...one of the decisions I am making is to reduce the amount of teaching that I am doing - a couple of retreats a year only. I am making plans for 'working more from home'. This will mean I can continue designing quilts and fabrics (maybe even another book one day??!!) and perhaps doing more online tutorials and/or DVD's. I have loved meeting quilters far and wide and am most humbled by your positive feedback, but it is time to take a break after mid 2013.

I also want to be able to potter at home and this is one of the ingenious gardens that we saw at the Summit Motor Lodge in New Zealand. Such a great way to grow vegies in a limited space - ideal for our courtyard garden. Wish my Dad was still around - he would have built me one in a flash! Anyone know where I can source one? There were  capsicums, tomatoes, silverbeet, lettuce, herbs, shallots and even strawberries!

Till take next time......take care wherever you are x


  1. I can understand wanting to stay closer to home with your adorable little grandson. I'm expecting my first grand child in August and thought about you today while I was making a cloth "church book" appliqued with techniques I learned while doing a project from your first book.

    As for the planter, look at the pieces like quilt pieces and the circular saw like your rotary quilt cutter. You can do it!

  2. He is sooooooooo precious!!! I did the same thing (not that I'm a famous quilting teacher or anything like that), but I told some of my commitments that I was staying home to babysit my newest grandson. It was so much fun. I did it for 5 months until he was ready for day care at a year. You have done the right thing. I look forward to your online offerings.

  3. He is just precious. I can certainly understand wanting to be around that sweet little guy. My DH is moving next week to start a new job but I can't leave my new grandson just yet so we will manage living apart for a while. In a year who knows, but for now I want to enjoy those baby days.

  4. Beau is soooo gorgeous Michele, I can't blame you for wanting to be close by.
    As for that stacker garden, what a great idea. Enjoy your week!


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