
Sunday, 15 May 2011

Quilt Market news

What a trooper Tamsin is are the photos she sent me and check her blog as the pictures are a little bigger......

 Below: Tim from Lloyd Curzon's; on the left with
 Jason and a lifesized paper version of one of the quilts!!
And Tam even persuaded Jason to send me a message....a little teary for me but thanks so much Tam and Jason! You do have to do some neck exercises to watch it - new technology for Tam but I am sure I wouldn't have even known how to start!

Finally here is a close-up of one of the border prints and the two BOM quilts:

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Spring quilt market - Salt Lake city

Some very exciting news is about to be launched! I have been working with Jason Yenter for the last 5 months on my second fabric collection - how lucky am I? It was a great thrill to see some paper samples a few weeks ago and my drawings turned into fabric. Those of you lucky enough to be going to market this weekend will see the first images at the "In the Beginning fabrics" booth - please say Hi to Jason for me!
But for those of us not so lucky I will share some pictures as soon as I can. Two Aussies I know have travelled over there...........
Tamsin from Berrima Patchwork; and she has promised to email me some photos of the booth as soon as she can.
And Leesa Chandler; is also there and I believe she is delivering a hug to Jason for me!
So for now I will leave you with a few blocks of two brand new Block of the Month quilts I have designed using the collection. One is in the style of William Morris and the other in the Arts & Crafts/Art Nouveau style. So stay tuned for more news!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Life's Challenges

Just when you think things are organised life throws out yet another challenge! We received a late night phone call early this week to tell us we need a BACK-UP plan.....this actually meant we will be homeless for 3 weeks!! We move out of our home in 2 weeks but our new home is now delayed by another 3 weeks!! The building schedule had already been extended by one month so now between May 27th and June 17th we will be living 'in limbo'. The storage scenario and costs were just the beginning of our dilemma especially as we have a piano.
I also received a phone call from the local press last week telling me I had been recommended to them by our real estate agent for a story on our new place. Now that story is incorrect with the scheduled moving date and goodness knows where they got the "international quilter" title bestowed on me - I suspect from our agent!! The full story is at this link;
 Some last views of our front garden on a Summer evening

And just for a little comfort - have a drool over this latest brochure from Morris & Co..............Mmmmmmmmm

Friday, 6 May 2011

Autumn brings colour (and colds!)

Thought I would start on a bright note of the Autumn shades that I will miss from our garden when we move. The ornamental crabapples, japanese maple, liquid amber and glory vine are finally showing their autumn splendour..........we hope the new family who take over our home enjoy it all too.

Now to the 'not so bright note' but with a touch of humour.......
(and "bright" as in "dumb"!!)

I finally succumbed and have had a week of the dreaded 'lurgie'.....which is the Australian slang for being 'infectious' complete with the razor blade throat, cough and splutter, blocked get the picture?!! Having been in my sick bed I decided yesterday it was high time I got going, so I put on the bath and then 30 minutes later went to enjoy it. Goodness knows where my head went over that half hour because I was greeted with a river coming at me down the passage - I had forgotten to turn the taps off!!! There are now 22 towels drying on the line (thanks Stan for helping!), and a god awful noise of a massive blower drying out the carpet...well at least the new owners will have wonderful clean carpet and it sure made me get well jolly fast!!

I had the great honour of opening Burra Quilters exhibition last week. The quilts are hung exquisitely in the local art gallery which is so aesthetically pleasing. To see quilts hung in this setting and to have them recognised as "ART" is truly satisfying. It was a wonderful evening of wine, chatter and admiration. Thanks for inviting me girls (and men!)

Visit the website for a few more images;