Friday, 6 May 2011
Autumn brings colour (and colds!)
Thought I would start on a bright note of the Autumn shades that I will miss from our garden when we move. The ornamental crabapples, japanese maple, liquid amber and glory vine are finally showing their autumn splendour..........we hope the new family who take over our home enjoy it all too.
Now to the 'not so bright note' but with a touch of humour.......
(and "bright" as in "dumb"!!)
I finally succumbed and have had a week of the dreaded 'lurgie'.....which is the Australian slang for being 'infectious' complete with the razor blade throat, cough and splutter, blocked get the picture?!! Having been in my sick bed I decided yesterday it was high time I got going, so I put on the bath and then 30 minutes later went to enjoy it. Goodness knows where my head went over that half hour because I was greeted with a river coming at me down the passage - I had forgotten to turn the taps off!!! There are now 22 towels drying on the line (thanks Stan for helping!), and a god awful noise of a massive blower drying out the carpet...well at least the new owners will have wonderful clean carpet and it sure made me get well jolly fast!!
I had the great honour of opening Burra Quilters exhibition last week. The quilts are hung exquisitely in the local art gallery which is so aesthetically pleasing. To see quilts hung in this setting and to have them recognised as "ART" is truly satisfying. It was a wonderful evening of wine, chatter and admiration. Thanks for inviting me girls (and men!)
Visit the website for a few more images;
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