
Sunday, 15 May 2011

Quilt Market news

What a trooper Tamsin is are the photos she sent me and check her blog as the pictures are a little bigger......

 Below: Tim from Lloyd Curzon's; on the left with
 Jason and a lifesized paper version of one of the quilts!!
And Tam even persuaded Jason to send me a message....a little teary for me but thanks so much Tam and Jason! You do have to do some neck exercises to watch it - new technology for Tam but I am sure I wouldn't have even known how to start!

Finally here is a close-up of one of the border prints and the two BOM quilts:


  1. Oh Michele, these are stunning! Looking forward to seeing the new fabrics in the shops later this year. Congratulations!

  2. Oh, I'm drooling, these are sooooooooooooo luscious!!!

  3. I saw these yesterday at quilt market! Unfortunately I was there as a vendor not a buyer...But I did sit down and drool over the paper mock-ups.

  4. I came across your weblog and website today! As it happens, my DH and I spent last week in the Cotswolds, visited Kelmscot Manor ánd visited the Malvern Quiltshow, where I bought your second book (I had the first already), and in a nearby village I bought a huge amount of William Morris fabrics. The best holiday ever! You see I am a WM-fan too! I am from the Netherlands, by the way.
    I have put you in my list of favorites, so I can start to read your weblog backwards now ;)to catch up!



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