
Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Feeling Blessed

It is no secret that friends and family are important and I feel for those who don't have either in their lives. This new journey I am on has made me appreciate both family and friends even more so, and how blessed I am to have such support. I have been overwhelmed with all your kind messages and I can tell you that they truly help. One can find oneself feeling somewhat mellow and then a message will come through that lifts the spirits. Some friends have perhaps been a little quieter than I thought they might be but perhaps that is because they don't know what to say and I think I have even been the same with people I know who have faced this very challenge. I can tell you though that it is just the very best to get a little cheerio! One special friend who lives 4-5 hours away has been sending me images from her garden every day and gee they pick me up and make me smile!......

I received these gorgeous flowers a week ago from someone I don't know that well and that really stirred my heart. The deep pink stock flowers have smelt gorgeous and the cards and messages have made me smile too.......
Emily being a nurse put on her practical hat and prepared a basket of wonders (and fear) for me!! I love the messages from Beau and Maisie but we will forgive Beau for the "gonna" in his message!! I feel so lucky that Emily is an RN and has insight into the process but we did both get a little muddled with the chemo protocol and what I thought was 12 weeks of weekly chemo is actually 20 weeks with an extra 8 weeks of fortnightly tacked on the it looks like I will still be at it over Christmas and New Year too.....

Another dear friend who also lives 4 hours away surprised me with these thoughtful gifts and special words that arrived in the mail. I was going to journal but I think the blog will replace that from time to time instead and I will fill the journal with something positive another day......
With one treatment down I have been doing my best to be healthy so a walk each day with Larry has been welcome. We went looking for ducks but a recent storm had rendered the river rather brown and murky and there were not many ducks to be found........

And walks on the beach despite the chilly air are rather contemplative and refreshing.........

Larry took one last snapshot of my hair before the first chemo session and I can tell you it doesn't look like that now! I think tomorrow I might need a very short trim as I'm told the hair will probably be gone in a week or so.........
So what better way to conclude than with a quilt....this time from Elaine of her version of my Fantasy quilt. It is just stunning and Elaine's son was the lucky recipient. Thanks for sending me your photo Elaine x. Blessings to all and hope wherever you are that you are safe and well xx


  1. Cheering you on!!! Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

  2. daily walks when you can do so should help just getting out and breathing in the air. I think one think of chemo that all dread is loosing the hair - it will grow back and we know it, but it is still one thing we dread. My sister in law lost all of hers in the treatment and now it is all back. Lovely notes from the children and such pretty flowers - wishing you the best and I hope you can get through and this will something you get past and one day look back at and say you beat it!

  3. Michelle I did enjoy walking beside you just now reading your blog. Loved the children’s wee notes so so special. So glad you have the beach to walk on, summer is coming and you will soon be able to walk on it bear feet. Hugs Glenda

  4. Michelle I did enjoy walking beside you just now reading your blog. Loved the children’s wee notes so so special. So glad you have the beach to walk on, summer is coming and you will soon be able to walk on it bear feet. Hugs Glenda

  5. so much for hair.... on with the scarves and hats 111

  6. That is a beautiful quilt! And I love those cards from the grandies. I'd send you photos from the garden, but it's way too hot here for any thing to be blooming. It's interesting about the hair. When mine came back it was straighter than before after 50 years of curly hair. My friend's came back curly and a lovely white. It's so good you are getting out still. Nature is very helpful in soothing us back to normal. Know that I am thinking of you and Larry. Saying prayers also.
    Gentle hugs, my friend.

  7. I have been thinking of you and hoping you are ok after your first chemo treatment. It's lovely to see your photos and the support you're receiving and I will continue to keep you all in my prayers. Xx

  8. While the challenges will sometimes be overwhelming, you are not alone. You are surrounded by the heartbeats of all who love you. Let that rhythm support you and bring you joy -it is the rhythm of life being shared. In the quiet you will feel it . Let it carry you forward and give you strength.
    Just another fan

  9. Lovely to see a post and to see you have wonderful support. Your attitude is amazing!

  10. Sending you best wishes that your treatment is successful and that you don't feel too awful in the progress. May you find the strength you need to get through this. Hugs from NZ.


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