
Sunday, 24 March 2019

Happy Birthday William Morris 🎂

It is a special day today as it was on this day 185 years ago that William Morris was born. There are Morris devotees all over the world and I receive emails every week from as far away as Russia and often the Czech Republic. Everywhere you go you can find his timeless (and tempting!), designs reproduced but I am not sure he would be very impressed with this commercial mass production. But I have to admit that I am guilty of participating in this commercial venture since my first obsession began in 1997! You only have to ask Mr Google what there is to buy and you are flooded with ideas......

even masking tape..........
I'd love to get my hands on a pair of these!! I could only find an Italian website but I did discover the designer is from Japan - Flower Mountain

And one can never have enough Morris mugs.........maybe I do have quite enough really!!.....

So I am content to continue reading and learning about this remarkable man pondering what life would have been like 185 years ago! The William Morris Society of Canada have the most interesting of Symposiums and this year they met yesterday to coincide with Morris's birthday....and of course they always have the most splendid of birthday cakes.........
The Society also has an interesting abstract from a member who recently passed away and coincidentally she too was questioning the mass production of Morris - you can read that HERE. I've spent the last week also celebrating a bit of William and May Morris right here at home. We shared a day with a visiting couple from the UK but they had only set two days aside in Adelaide so we only had one day to show a little.... so I decided on Carrick Hill.........

 and then I returned to Carrick Hill just two days later to meet with a film maker (!!), so I've been doing a little research for that Morris related project that I will reveal in the coming is VERY exciting!!! I also visited another Museum twice this past week.......first up with the two younger boys in our lives to the National Railway Museum....
there was a lot of pointing and smiling!!.......

 And when we discovered that one half of the UK couple was also obsessed with trains we just had to take him to the train museum too!! It was actually nice to do it with adults as the little ones get bored with all the interiors and history....and some of the interiors are wonderful but a bit hard to capture through the glass windows......

 So life in the Hill household is still full of a little of this..........
 and some of this.......
and domestic chores of course! We still desperately need rain but are enjoying the final weeks of seasonal sunshine so I decided to wash all the scrim curtains....... 
I also had a giggle during this past week after receiving a couple of enquiries about my "Afternoon Tea with May Morris" book. Sadly it is out of print and we can't afford to reprint it but while searching online for copies for two people I came across these ridiculous prices of both that book and my second William Morris book (which is also out of print)!!....

So it has been a very productive and busy couple of weeks. I hope life is treating you well as I leave you with my favourite quotes from this past week from my Dalai desktop calendar  .......


  1. Your little guys are growing up, and love those Morris shoes too.

  2. LOL at the prices on the books - I have seen some listings for others and I can not figure out how they think they will sell them!! You have so much fun with your little grands they are lucky to have you and Larry.
    I too wonder how would Wm Morris feel about seeing his designs on duck tape of all things!! I have not seen that - his designs are not near as popular here as you have there. I actually rarely see any of his here - but then I live in the country only near little towns with none of the art type of things you see. I know I would find them if I was in a city though - the one thing I miss of living in the country is the art and other things in the city

  3. It looks like you're enjoying the last of Summer Michele. I too enjoy this Autumn weather where it's still warm during the day, but not too hot. Adelaide has some beautiful places to visit. I must try to return one day and visit cultural things!

  4. As ever your photos are so fun to look at. What a beautiful collection! Little Wade is growing up. I love those shoes, too. Have you seen Lenore Crawford's? She made them with Kaffe Fasset fabric. Can't see why you can't do it with William Morris fabric. She has a DVD with her technique and it's only $15.00. Here's the link: She makes fabulous quilts, too. One more thing, have you looked into making your Afternoon Tea with May Morris into an ebook? See this link about that: I bought a Susan Carlson book as an ebook. Foolishly, I didn't check if I could get the templates with it. Happily, I could! Just needed to figure out how to do that because it wasn't crystal clear in the book. I know you would have sales. I'm so thankful I have all of yours already. Praying for rain your way as we know what it's like to be in a drought - seven years worth before it broke this winter. Blessings,

  5. William Morris will always be alive while you are so passionate about his life and the beautiful designs he has left behind, Inagree that commercialism does take over at times but those of us who appreciate the beauty in his fabrics will keep making quilts and other bits and pieces to keep his memory and talent goigbintonthe future.The three boys loved the train and I expect little Wade was excited by it.
    Love from Jean 😍😍

  6. We are two ladies visiting from interstate. We love your work with William Morris. We will be here until Tuesday morning, and wish to see and visit any houses or shops within the adelaide area within the time frame until Monday evening.we would appreciate answers from anyone who can assst us. Or Thank you for any assistance anyone can give . Kerryn and Alison


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