
Sunday, 12 August 2018

Home again

I am home again after another week sharing a little William Morris in Adelaide with 22 other Morris devotees. The week was rather cold and wet but we were lucky to have some patches of sunshine - but inside it didn't matter at all......

 Thankyou to each and every one of you who came and thankyou also for your contribution to increasing my own knowledge! I have another tour in just six weeks so I hope some of the gardens are in bloom by then. It is still very cold with this very late Winter and it only reached a maximum of 12C yesterday. But we are so pleased we have had some very welcome rain. While I was on tour a package arrived in the post - some battery operated LED lights for my doll's house! I am thrilled with them all and I know Maisie will be as well on her next visit.......
 The peg dolls in the bedroom are actually May Morris and her mother Jane - some little kits that I bought years ago from the William Morris Society in London - but they have no faces as I am not good at that!.......

I had meant to do a catch up of our week before the tour but time got away from me so a few glimpses of the week that was. Larry and I continued to enjoy our walks in nearby Willunga and clearly the sun was shining on this day.....

 And a wander by the river on another day......

 Of course no week would be complete without the cuddles from the little people that often includes a coffee!!........

 We've been trying to teach Wade to sit up so I bend him in the middle and spread his legs far apart in the hope he will stay put but Maisie had a better idea to prop him up in a box!!.......
Till next time I say thankyou once again for dropping by x


  1. how wonderful to see little Wade growing and sitting - how cute to place him in a box, what a loving cousin! I love seeing that tea cup with the bag of tea that looks like a pear (to me anyhow) you should be on your way to spring soon and weather warming - here we will be on our trip to the western mountain states in a couple weeks and we will enjoy the cooler brisk weather of early fall soon and escape the humidity of Arkansas

  2. So sweet those grandkids photos! Looks like you had a lovely time of it on the tour. Love those rugs in the doll house.

  3. Oh my goodness Michele, I am absolutely in love with your dolls house! One of these days I'd like to have one of my own, so it thrills me that you have one too!
    Big love and hugs, Tara xox


Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x