
Monday, 28 August 2017

Taking a quick breath

I've just had the most wonderful weekend participating in the 2017 Quilters' Gathering in Ulladulla with Marilyn and what a fabulous time we all had. I flew to Sydney on Friday with Lessa and then we drove for three and half hours down the south coast of New South Wales. This was our lunch stop vista looking out over Wollongong..........

 and this was the view from my window each morning looking out on the Ulladulla harbour.......

 An early morning stroll....

 Besides the stitching (and nattering!), there was an amazing show and tell from participants after Saturday night dinner. The diversity and standard of the quilts was truly inspiring and these are just a few........

 Our venue worked well even with eight different workshops going on in the same room all at once - it made for a wonderful atmosphere.........

 I had a group making fabric boxes and pinwheels.........

And I got you Jenny! Jenny brought two of my quilt designs that she recently completed and I was thrilled........

 The icing on the cake was having Faye and Lessa there. Lessa came as a guest and spent the entire time stitching quietly away on charity quilts. She is quite remarkable and puts me to shame with all that she does - not bad for someone who is 17 years older than me! This was the last teaching engagement for Faye and we are both looking forward to some quieter time with our ever patient husbands.........
For me it was my very last workshop in Australia so thankyou to Marilyn for inviting me - it was a lovely restful and fun couple of days - and thanks also to all the girls who came to class as well! I arrived home this afternoon and have just had time to pack all the bags that are full of quilts as we fly to New Zealand tomorrow! If you are in the area do come and say hello at either Wellington Craft and Quilt Fair or Hamilton Craft and Quilt Fair. Each Friday afternoon of these fairs I will also be presenting a visual journey following the remarkable William Morris sights in the UK. More of that very soon!


  1. sounds like a busy time winding down on your workshops - thanks for the wonderful photos as always it is so nice to see what the quilters in your part of the world are working on

  2. Looks like a very pretty part of NSW. Well done on a great teaching career!

  3. Enjoy your NZ trip and once again lovely photos of your travels. Catch up soon. xx

  4. Looks like a lovely place to visit and such a wonderful display of quilts for show and tell and fabric boxes. Enjoy your next journey in life.

  5. Another wonderful post. Loved the quilt show. Enjoy your trip.


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