
Tuesday, 23 May 2017

A totter in Terang

When I was thinking of a post title I did think 'totter' meant amble but after looking it up it means "moving in a feeble way"! We have been slow but we still managed another 11,000+ steps today! It has been another lovely day and on our drive we stopped in Camperdown where we found some impressive gothic buildings. In the centre of town stands this majestic gothic clock tower built in 1896 - the year Morris died and in memory of a young local man killed in a hunt club accident. It is still wound by hand by a team of volunteers and stands 100 feet tall. I found some more about the clock history on this link HERE

 We have three nights in our cosy country motel room and close by are magnificent oak trees……..

 The local Presbyterian church is gothic in style as well……...

 I am here as guest of Darlene who owns the Good Old Days Quilt shop and this sign is displayed in her shop entrance door!!……..
 Her shop is full of all sorts of colourful treasures including a shelf full of gorgeous wool felt……..
I found Peter Rabbit supervising sales……….
 while Darlene was packing all the goodie bags for workshop participants……...
 We had some lovely company while we sat in the sun under the enormous oaks……..
 Love this sign and the design on the sneakers……...
 When all this teaching concludes their might finally be room in the car for Larry's golf clubs so he can enjoy some country courses including this local one…….
I'll leave you with some more magical fungi and I'll chat again soon……...


  1. I'm with you on the meaning of totter, but probably I do it in a feeble way, and not often enough either! xx

  2. not quite feeble yet! lovely photos and lovely places to take a walk - I love when the fall leaves are on the ground and we walk through them. All that wool rolled up so nice and neat - I need to get back to my wool project one day

  3. I took totter to mean amble too. It's such a cute sounding word. I love all your travel photos. Mr Daisy's mum grew up in Camperdown and his parents married there. Its such a lovely town. The shop looks lovely. I bet everyone had a wonderful time.

  4. I have not been to Terang for many many years, but your lovely photos of the buildings make me want to go. Camperdown is a lovely town too, but I didnt know the story behind the clock tower so thank you for sharing.

  5. I really like that Australia treasures its old buildings. Another lovely post.


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