
Saturday, 8 April 2017

"Our" Future

"Future" can be so daunting a word and sometimes I think it can be too overwhelming to even think about particularly with news this morning of more terror, this time in Sweden and of course the recent events in Syria. In the north of our country we have had the devastation of a cyclone and subsequent flooding and to see images of the clean-up is heart wrenching. One's problems are all so relative to one's own personal circumstances and over the centuries many prominent people have used words as an expression.....

from "The Man Who Never Laughed Again"

Ah, these, with life so done with now, might deem
That better is it resting in a dream,
Yea, e'en a dull dream, than with outstretched hand,
And wild eyes, face to face with life to stand...
Than waking in a hard taskmaster's grasp
Because we strove the unsullied joy to clasp - 
Than just just to find our hearts, the world, as we
Still though we were and ever longed to be,
To find nought real except ourselves, and find
All care for all things scattered to the wind,
Scarce in our hearts the very pain alive.
Compelled to breathe indeed, compelled to strive,
Compelled to fear, yet not allowed to hope - "

These words of course are from William Morris and his poem The Earthly Paradise. Morris was a dreamer but also outspoken on many aspects of humanity including politics and war. I was intrigued to read about his involvement in the Eastern Question Movement relating to war with Turkey and Russia particularly in relation to our world today. You can read more of that HERE. In my remaining years there is still so much to learn from and about Morris! Each time I write my blog I have a sense of guilt that I am sharing joy and happiness while others are far from this circumstance. So where to from here then? I did not mention in my last post that we also had another stop on the way to the airport on Monday as two of the girls needed things from IKEA! Well it helped to get my 10,000 steps up for the day but it also inspired me to visit that very same store here at home a few days ago to purchase some of these furnishing cottons....

So while Larry enjoyed a football game last night with our two adult daughters (how wonderful for them to do this together again!).......I was at home stitching up these for the coming cooler months. I gave the fabric a good wash before I made them and over time I am sure they will soften a little more.....but each piece was less than $20 so I can't complain about that and they will be perfect under a skivvie.....
 It reminds me of the 1970's.....maybe I am trying to return to my youth?!! I have had this textile below since about 1973 when I first started nursing and I purchased it to hang in my room in the live in nurses home during my training. It is still in fabulous condition and one day I might turn it into something useful.......
 Speaking of the 1970's and even the 1980's reminds me that I received a lovely message from Rachaeldaisy this week - a young and vibrant quilter who I took notice of when she won Best of Show in New South Wales last year for her gorgeous quilt Whizz Bang. Rachael uses all sorts of techniques in her quilts and has won many awards and this one features folded stars and suffolk puffs but in a  modern and whimsical way.....just wonderful.....

I know she won't mind me sharing her photo so do visit her BLOG as it is full of sunshine and happiness and her quilts are bright and colourful just like her! It is so nice to see young quilters blooming as they are our future and it was while talking to Roslyn who I was staying with recently that I decided to go searching for a book for Rachael that I had back in the 1980's. I was hoping to send it to her as I told her it included a pattern for a toilet seat cover - heaven forbid but worth a giggle! But alas I think it may have been discarded in our recent house move. Folded stars was one of the first classes I took back in the mid 80's and I made potholders and placemats for my late Mum in the colours she so loved (and they were still being used before she died)..........
Speaking of young ones it seems fitting to share some recent images of our very own young ones. I love their innocence with the hope that all will be well with their futures (and thanks to the family for posting these images on Facebook!)....
 Maisie was at a party and she is wearing the same little bolero top that Larry's Aunt made for Emily (Maisie's Mum) almost 35 years ago!........

 And here picking tomatoes from Auntie Sophie and Uncle Tim's garden........
 While shopping during the week we noticed that Beatrix Potter is about in the Peter Alexander store just in time for Easter...........

My William Morris rose is still blooming and full of the most beautiful perfume and pleasure......

 So once again thanks for dropping by. I will leave you with this inspiring image of a very dear friend of Sophie's. Ricky is a talented dancer and artist and I think this is just the most wonderful image full of hope and joy and I know William Morris would have been most impressed too. X


  1. we can not let all the horrific things happening in the world stop us from enjoying everything around us. I hate hearing all the bad news that happens almost every day! It is unbelievable at times. It reaches a point where I do not want to listen to the news but then I find myself checking on line to see what has happened.
    I love seeing the photos of the little ones who are growing so much and developing such personalities - love the little top that Maysie is wearing and Beau has such a smile - you wonder at times what he is thinking. I have only been to one IKEA and loved it - none in my area, closest is 3-4 hours away!

  2. I'm honoured to be included in this beautiful post of the future and hope. Beautiful dresses, such a fun fabric and so perfect for the cooler weather. I love that you still have that fabric you bought in the 70's. I grew up in a house full of Marrimekko curtains and have a fondness for all things 70's. Such lovely photos of the children. That last photo is special. The gift of appreciating art is a special one. And finally - that rose!! It's so beautiful!! It makes me wish I had a smell button on my computer.

  3. Michele, I wondered where your post was going. You have voiced thoughts I'm sure many of us share. There is so much sadness in our world and it is impossible to UNsee or UNhear about it with a 24 hour view of the world in all forms of media. I remember how overwhelmingly sad I felt as a teenager during the Vietnam War. I lived with a grim fear I couldn't escape. I didn't understand that I could allow myself distractions from it all or, indeed, find pleasure in life despite what was going on. I have since learned a little about such things. One thing I know is we cannot let tragic events take away our hope or prevent us from living life in the best way we can. It is wonderful to have babies, children, young adults in my life. They inspire me. They make me smile and bolster hope in my heart. I love to see the joy your grandchildren give you. Your William Morris rose is beautiful and I love your last image in the Gallery. It's heartwarming. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I so wish I could send you an email "flossypatchedbritches" (what a sweet name!).....but you are "no reply" and I can't find an email address for please know how your words have touched me xx

    2. Awww thanks. I would like very much not to be a "no reply" blogger! I have just played with my settings AGAIN. Maybe I'll get lucky this time. I won't give up if you won't. Cheers!!


Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x