
Thursday, 30 March 2017

Sharing with Illawarra Quilters

Many years ago I met a delightful lady by the name of Roslyn, a member of Illawarra Quilters Inc from the south coast of New South Wales. We met at the Sydney Quilt Show 7 years ago (just worked that out tonight!) and it was in 2014 that Roslyn joined us with friends on one of the William Morris Tours in the UK. Over 12 months ago Roslyn asked if I would come to be guest speaker at their quilt group's 30th birthday celebrations and tonight was their special celebratory dinner. I flew to Sydney yesterday and was then taken on the drive to Woollongong where I will be staying with Roslyn for 5 nights. The area has had an incredible amount of rain this past month so it was very humid but despite the sea fog the view was spectacular……
 This is part of the impressive Sea Cliff Bridge and if you go to that link there is a fabulous aerial view of this unique structure……...
Roslyn lives in a stunning villa with courtyard views from every window and the gardens are gorgeous…... 

And with a touch of Morris in her sitting room too……..

 Roslyn had arranged for some of the group to share dinner followed by a wonderful evening of sharing some of their stunning quilts…..and many of these quilts were entirely hand stitched as well…….
These are only a few of what we saw…….. 

 Anne added a touch of Morris in the centre of this stunning quilt…….

 Roslyn's version of Wendy William's Round the Garden quilt is in progress and full of memories from her trips to the UK…….

 So this was the setting for tonight's dinner where I shared a little of my journey with Beatrix Potter and all because of Helen of Whitecroft Tours. It was wonderful sharing a delicious dinner with 66 other quilters in such a lovely setting. So time to get some sleep before three days of teaching….more soon xx


  1. Thank you for the quilt show and the link. What a wonderful setting for dinner.

  2. Why am I here instead of there? How wonderful. Thank you for always sharing.

  3. What a wonderful display of quilts! I particularly like the last one- lovely colours! I hope you enjoyed the dinner
    Julia xx

  4. Me thinks this grand experience will give you more memories that it will give the quilters of Illawarra. Thanks for showing us!!!!

  5. wonderful quilts thanks for sharing - looks like a beautiful place you are visiting.

  6. Lovely quilt show, enjoy your few days, and another step closer!! xx

  7. What an amazing show and tell. I love Roslyn, we met at the Sydney Quilt Show too, and the Illawarra quilters are all so lovely.


Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x