
Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Post Panic Phase

Well I am pleased to say that we have moved forward from the book panic of one week ago! Monday was the big day where I signed on the dotted line taking full responsibility for any omissions, errors or stuff ups! It is no mean feat self publishing and spending a full 12 months on no pay is questionable......but the rewards at the end will be well worth it. The extra chapter is a partially completed quilt (but with full instructions), and it seemed fitting to call it 'Serendipity' to reflect the serendipitous consequence of having to fill six extra pages at short notice! I know it is probably not the 'done thing' but I decided to combine some hand stitching with machine on some of the blocks.....who made up the rules anyway.....see if you can see the difference.......

Another completed Peter Rabbit and how I love the effect of the 'knitted' chain stitch on his jacket.......
And today I found the perfect backing fabric too, so now to quilt it.........
So life continues to be full and busy.....tonight it was completing an order of patterns with two hours fighting those pesky bag seals that are so full of static..........
 We also had a very special birthday on Sunday......Miss Maisie turned two.........

I love how they always work out a way to do anything including how to get down the steep steps in her backyard all on her bottom............

 Peppa Pig is a favourite.........

 Beau spent time practicing his casting off technique in preparation for some fishing trips.........

 She is such a special little girl and sadly yesterday (and only two days after turning two), it was trip to hospital for the removal of her adenoids and insertion of a tube in the one ear that she can hear out of. A recent hearing test discovered that there was a problem so hopefully she is onwards and upwards now. It was all rather bewildering for her but pre-op the play room was a big hit..........

 This past week we have also managed to do some walking and were thrilled to see so much new bird life at our nearby reserve. With the recent rains and storms there is water where we have never seen water before. These photos were taken two years ago with no water in sight..........

And now there is the most wonderful wetlands filling that space and the birds are loving it.........

 Even the kangaroos seem to be breeding like mice and have taken up residence in front of the model plane premises..........

I have never seen water under this walkway and now the gum trees are submerged.......

We are so thankful that we live just a three minute walk from all of is good. 


  1. What a great nature preserve to live so close to! I do hope the little miss will be ok now after the tube in the ear and will be hearing ok. She is such a cutie. I love your Peter Rabbit and the mix of hand stitching and machine stitching is becoming more common today I think and not considered unusual - good luck with the new book - you had to work fast to include those last 6 pages I'm sure

  2. Being two is pretty grand! So sweet!
    I can't wait to see your book--so looking forward to it and how to purchase a copy. Love Peter Rabbit! I did my childrens' nursery in PR many many years ago and have read everything I can about Beatrice Potter. I love your embroidery and sharing doing combo-techniques is a good way to help busy people "get it done!"

  3. I loved the Peter Rabbit books when I was growing up, and some of my own children's nicest clothes were Peter Rabbit clothes. I'll certainly be buying your book. Be sure to bring lots of copies to the NZ symposium next year. Can you say what you'll be teaching there yet? Will it be William Morris or Peter Rabbit themed? It's great to see all that water in South Australia.

  4. It looks like he is wearing an actual sweater. Maisie is so adorable. Love her birthday outfit. My first son had to have those tubes in his ears for a year (or until he outgrew them). Love the local photos too.

  5. It looks like he is wearing an actual sweater. Maisie is so adorable. Love her birthday outfit. My first son had to have those tubes in his ears for a year (or until he outgrew them). Love the local photos too.


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