
Tuesday, 12 April 2016

New Projects

For some time now I have been wanting to create smaller projects - not necessarily quilts but still incorporating my love of appliqué. I can recall back in the late 1980's making expanding hexagon shaped sewing boxes entirely glued but still lovely. I have no idea what happened to mine - I suspect it got thrown out when we moved! Not wanting all the cardboard templates required to make another, I thought of designing smaller and simpler boxes, so a request last week prompted me into action!  The small May Morris Sampler has been very popular for workshops and I had a request from a group to borrow the quilt for advertising a workshop in June. Well to start with you won't find me posting any of my work with all that I have lost and secondly I needed the quilt for the next two months of workshops! I suggested I send a small sample of the quilt but instead a box was created! This is the quilt………
and this is my first prototype box but entirety stitched - no glue which I definitely prefer……….

The appliqué includes very small versions of some of the blocks from the quilt and I really enjoyed making it. Then I thought I should try to make another using the glued method from the hexagon box class years ago………(would look good beside the quilt in the Kings Chamber Nydia!)

So those of you doing the May Morris class in the coming months you will receive the instructions and patterns to make these boxes…….and I might even make some more!  So life in the Hill house is good and I've even been smelling the roses which are blooming in the sunshine today…..

 I've also been trying some new recipes so a visit to our amazing Adelaide Central Market was in order. The smells and bustle are always fun so with fresh herbs and even some kale in hand I cooked my first Thai Laksa and according to Larry it was sensational……..

I've also been doing some reading…. Linda Lear's biography of Beatrix is captivating and timely in preparation of our UK Tour in September. Over Easter I received another beautiful book as a gift from my lovely friend Kay (thanks Kay x). That too is a lovely book written by Marta McDowell a professional gardener whose interests include the gardens of significant historic people……..
So all is well as I hope it is with you x


  1. Ooo! Those are lovely. May the rest of us hope that patterns/instructions will be available to us sometime?

  2. Michelle, it's lovely box! This dream - to have the box! I have a basket with a girl Sue. I would love to sew box on Morris.

  3. I follow your blog because I've loved William Morris since I studied him at school (a long time ago!), but rarely comment. However, I do love the boxes - do you think you'll ever sell the pattern? I always love to read about your trips over here and to see the photos of the places round and about and I'm sure the Beatrix Potter trip will go down well too
    Julia x

  4. The boxes are lovely and sure look like a lot of work.

    So glad you posted today as there a blog I think you will enjoy. You may well read Barbara Brackman's blog.....

    I love reading both of your blogs and getting a tad different slant of many of the same topics.

  5. those boxes are really neat! a lot of work goes into them I'm sure, love the flowers too - I haven't been cooking too much lately but found a new recipes for pork carnitas and will try them later in the week.

  6. O, Michele, how did you know I love boxes sooo much! I've made quite a few in my time and you have given me a lot of ideas. I will try and make some of those (even without a pattern, because I'm just inpatient). Thank you.

  7. The boxes are wonderful. Well done. I remember making all those glued projects in the past.

  8. The boxes are wonderful. Well done. I remember making all those glued projects in the past.

  9. Gorgeous boxes! Lovely flowers and wonderful post. Will this UK trip be your last?

  10. How clever you are, I've always loved fancy boxes but yours are the most beautiful that I have seen.

  11. I made a glued together box in the early 1990's, after a while the glue showed as dark shadows through the fabric! I thought it was lovely at the time! Oh how we have all changed. Gorgeous work as always.

  12. the boxes are exquisite Michele, and the Laksa fabulous, (i do a pretty good one myself) But it may be a while before i can get out and get the wherewithall, my other half is a pretty good basic cook but could not be trusted to find the necessary ingredients. I just did a quick flash back in your posts and cant believe it was
    Easter when i last read one. What a busy woman you are, but i am pleased to hear you are listening to your inner self planning to slow down and take care of yourself. xxx

  13. Hi Michele:
    I wish that I lived in Australia so I can attend everyone of your classes. I love those little designs. Are you going to publish them as patterns or a book. I will be your first customer waiting in line.
    Hugs and kisses from Texas

  14. Another Texan commenting here. I too wish I lived in Australia, just to be closer to you, my friend and be in every class. My oh my, those boxes are gorgeous. I see a new book in the making.......hint hint.
    As always your blogs are such a bright part of my day. Bless you!

  15. Your boxes are petite works of art, in my opinion. So lovely. I adore Beatrice and have read everything I can find about her. So many of us worldwide, cut from the same cloth (no pun intended!); what a joy the internet can be.


Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x