
Friday, 14 August 2015

The 'Vigilant Veritable Virus'!

Blogging again so soon you might ask…….for many of us who blog it is just like writing a diary only it is there for the world to see…mind you there is a choice and you can close the window anytime you like! My reason tonight is therapeutic only…….quite literally for the entire family! I was looking for the right words and while searching through the letter 'V' for virus I found so many appropriate words starting with 'V"….vile, virulent, viscous, violate, vicious, vice…….yes this 'V'illain of a virus is back with 'V'engeance.  Who would have thought so many words starting with the letter 'V' could describe a virus so well! The last two diary photos from Emily pretty much sum it up……….

I sent a message to Emily yesterday morning telling her to stay away as Larry is still coughing and heavens above…I've got the dagger throat and neck full of glands again! But little did I know that they had all succumbed as well. Poor Brett looked dreadful and Emily not much better so all we could do was deliver any sort of drug we could get our hands on for them all! Maisie still found a smile for Emily's camera though and I think Beau's smile is a few hours before he succumbed. Just a day before all this I had met a couple of quilting friends for lunch at Carrick Hill. It was while I was there I decided to donate some of my May Morris books to their little shop. So yesterday I decided this virus was not going to beat us and we returned with books in hand. The fresh air and scenery was wonderful………..I think there might be just a little somewhere for some Beatrix Potter book photos here……..take note Helen on the map!

 'A good place to hide' Larry informed me……...

 Rambling cyclamen……...

 A very different lily……...

 A place that we need to take the little ones when the sunshine returns……….
 There are many children's stories to share including this aboriginal one I did not know……...

 Ratty's boat……...

 Lord of the Rings….Larry ringing the bell to see if Bilbo was home…….

 Not sure if the troll might be a tad scary for Beau……...
 Charlottes Web……...

And of course I just had to look up and there it was…. a huge fat spider dangling above……..
The Magic Faraway Tree…….

 Jungle Story……...

 Narnia but my photo of Aslam seems to have disappeared……...

Such a beautiful place even in Winter but it will be nice to see these bare roses blooming in just a few weeks………..
So fingers crossed all our households are 'V'acuumed of all 'V'iruses very soon (especially with planned surgery on Monday!). Take care all x


  1. such a beautiful place to see thanks for sharing all these photos - get well soon!

  2. May your vile virus be vanquished very soon :) My nephew was married in the garden at Carrick Hill, it was so beautiful.

  3. So sorry to hear all of you sick! Prayers being said it will verily vanish very quickly. I feel for you all. And you managed to bless us with such beautiful photos. You are a wonder, Michele. I would dearly love to go to Carrick Hill.

  4. Tim couldn't believe you'd never heard of tidderlik ;p xo


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