
Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Winter Blues

At the moment Larry and I are feeling a tad 'blue' with the ongoing cold weather and wondering why we are both feeling so very tired. We are not quite used to temperatures below zero but in our state we have had snow where we never have snow and the temperature has hovered between 2-13C for the past week…..
Over the weekend (and Friday), we had three wonderful but very busy days at the Stitching show and yesterday I caught up with my Monday sewing friends for some morning stitching and then lunch. But by 3pm I was lying down and was then in bed without tea by 7.30pm! So maybe our bodies are telling us we just can't do the things we thought we could or maybe we just need some sunshine! My heartfelt thanks to everyone who dropped by over the 3 days of the show…..I sold out of those William Morris mugs and sold many books and patterns so Larry is pretty happy with the contribution to the printing debt! We also had a very big event over the weekend that sadly we couldn't attend. It was Miss Maisie's 1st birthday party on Sunday afternoon so instead Brett offered to cook us dinner on Saturday night. Brett loves cooking and we are all very lucky - especially Emily (and this is a typical 'Brett look' when the camera is out)………
Over dinner Saturday night Brett's mobile phone rang and we knew instantly it was bad news. A mate who is also a father of a 3 year old boy and 1 year old girl was tragically killed while riding his motorbike. The news left them both numb and they wondered how they would get through Maisie's party the next day but they managed well………

The theme was ladybirds and Emily made a gorgeous ladybird outfit for Maisie (and note once again Brett is at the oven!)……..

 I loaned my camera to Emily and Brett and this has to be the photo of the day……….the most precious little girl with a delightful disposition enjoying her first taste of chocolate cake……...
I only met Brett's friend Ashleigh on one occasion but the pride in his face when he introduced his little boy is what makes his loss so hard to comprehend. A son, a husband and most of all a Daddy to two little ones so tragically taken away. Brett's plea that night was to hug those you love - life is precious and so very fragile so hug the ones you can and have loving memories of those that you can't x

1 comment:

Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x