
Friday, 20 March 2015

Bring on some rain!

It would appear we have had Summer for almost 6 long months with heat waves starting last October - so Larry and I are well and truly over it! It has not been excessively hot and most nights have been comfortable, but it seems to have really dragged on this time. We have both succumbed this week and are convinced that it is partly because of the weather! My neck is full of swollen glands, an earache and blocked head….Larry has been coughing unmentionables so bring on the rain please to wash away these allergens! The garden is even confused with bulbs appearing way before they should - and even sweet peas at the wrong time of year………
 We've had a dribble of tomatoes and baby carrots……..
 But joy of joys these little critters are munching away and I am watching them with delight. Their choice of nourishment is a self sown plant so we are happy that they like it! I am intrigued by the 'balls' - not sure if they are a product of all the munching or maybe even more little baby critters…….
 Some of their cousins have already arrived for their short life - but they are so hard to photograph……this one would not oblige with an open set of wings for me……..
 I read here that they feed for 2 weeks and don't emerge from their pupa for 3 weeks. And also that the butterfly will live from a month to 6 weeks and that they are very toxic to predators……….
But we did have a short burst of rain a few days ago which freshened things for a little while……we now just need bucket loads for a few days…….

 Now this blog was supposed to be all things "Morris" but it seems family and home fill it up. But I did read of the release of Effie Gray in the US next month. I can't find a release date for Australia but did read it was released last year in the UK. I do wonder if Mr Morris might have a brief appearance in the story……
So back to family and this gorgeous picture that Brett shared today. It made me feel so incredibly humble as I thought about this dear little girl facing life with deafness on one side. Nothing has stopped her and even at 8 months she is crawling and attempting to walk. She has no preconceived ideas of what life has in store for her and she lives for today…... like we all should…..
On a final note - from time to time I've received emails from people who are unable to leave comments on the blog. I've tried to rectify that so I hope the new system allows it…….thanks for dropping by and take time to smell the roses today! x


  1. I enjoyed the nature photos, interesting that Morris did not do bugs! Leaving a comment to see the new deal.... do know that it took a VERY long time for your site to load.... we are facing spring and spring weeds!

  2. love all the flowers and family photos that you share - you are more than quilting about William Morris after all and love to read what you share

  3. Just testing ,hopefully this comment will show. I do enjoy following your blog and the photos of your lovely famly and life.

  4. The monarch caterpillars are lovely, I hope they get to the chrysalis stage and hatch out into butterflies. The green "balls" are their byproduct and turn black with age :) the eggs that the monarch lays are little white dots (very tiny), your roses are looking lovely, I think it has been quite a good rose season in Adelaide this year, even with the lack of rain.

  5. Love to read anything you write Michele, and much as I would like some rain too, it is too early, as the grape and lucerne harvests are not finished!

  6. I always enjoy reading about what is happening in your world Michele including your garden and your family as well as your quilting and stitching.
    Your granddaughter is absolutely gorgeous and other than her lack of hearing, which is normal for her, appears happy and healthy and is marching towards those milestones with confidence and good for her. She is clearly loved and cherished and how could any child not flourish in those conditions.
    Roses always look more spectacular with water drops on them, don't they.
    Thanks for sharing your world Michele.


Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x