
Friday, 5 December 2014

Small blessings

This past week had been a struggle with our thoughts consumed by things beyond our control. Friends are facing personal challenges, some losing parents and some just generally having a tough time. A funeral last week brought back our own losses with both Larry and I losing our mothers at Christmas time some years ago. We also had some very sad news a few days ago of a tragic accidental death of an 18 month old who belonged to a couple close to one of daughters and her partner. There are no words that can be found in a situation like this and it is beyond comprehension how the young parents must be feeling. My demeanour was so low that I cancelled a couple of end of year functions…how can you possibly celebrate when there is so much sadness? But today we shared in a very major event in Maisie's life. It started with a coffee in a gorgeous French cafe Le Carpe diem…very 'french provincial' and a future haunt I think………

 Emily had asked us to join her as Maisie was being fitted with her first Bone conduction hearing device. Being so little means she can't have the bone anchored device just yet, so for now the aid is attached to a headband. Unfortunately Maisie dislikes driving in the car and she had been screaming for the entire half hour journey to the appointment. Beau was trying to calm her and then unfortunately Emily had a minor accident - no injuries - only to the two cars! I cannot begin to imagine how tough it is driving in a car with a screaming baby and a two year old trying to calm things down. (and at the time we were thinking what other challenges was this week going to bring?….we are so glad it is Friday!!) But we all pulled ourselves together and witnessed a little miracle. To see the look on Maisie's face when she heard new sounds…….it was priceless and of course the Nanna tears flowed…………..
So a little miracle lifted our spirits (as did my reward for that quilt which has finally showed up!). So once again A.A. Milne summed it all up for this week………..


  1. Having an open heart means all sorts of things enter. Sometimes it is hard to celebrate when there is tragedy and sadness around you. We have had immense sadness in our lives, but here are so many reasons to be thankful and feel blessed. It is wonderful that your reward finally arrived.

  2. I am so glad to hear that your daughter and her children were not hurt in the accident. Sometimes when we loose loved ones so close to the holidays it makes it sad doesn't it. I wonder if that is why I haven't felt like decorating the house this year although mom died in October it hasn't been that long.
    So nice that the little granddaughter can now hear with her device for that ear! how exciting - Christmas must go on for the children's sake right - it is all about the kids.

  3. I am so glad to hear that your daughter and her children were not hurt in the accident. Sometimes when we loose loved ones so close to the holidays it makes it sad doesn't it. I wonder if that is why I haven't felt like decorating the house this year although mom died in October it hasn't been that long.
    So nice that the little granddaughter can now hear with her device for that ear! how exciting - Christmas must go on for the children's sake right - it is all about the kids.

  4. Thinking of you Michele. One thing after another can wear us down sometimes and we think that life is just dragging on. Then there is a little ray of sunshine like a gorgeous baby's happy smile and our hearts rise up again.

    Sending a huge kiwi hug.

  5. There are times in one's life when one cannot get passed the feelings of utter despair and futility, then a wonderful miracle happens and one's heart is filled with such love and awe that just for a while the world becomes better. My heart aches for those poor parents, loosing their precious baby, I have known grief, but that loss is unimaginable. Michele, you are one of the strongest people I have ever had the honour to know but God knows that we all have a 'do not fill passed this line' when it comes to our ability to stay positive. You are all locked away in my heart and my prayers, I love you.

  6. The Ying and Yang of life. So pleased there was some balance in your week after the heartbreak and tragedy. I love how AA Milne captures the sentiment so well , so often.

  7. So Pleased for little Maisie she is Adorable...
    Thinking of You.
    Take Care

  8. A small window of happiness in a bleak week is what gets you through the other side. I am sure this beautiful little girl will bring you much joy over Christmas, especially now she can hear. I am sorry there is no cure for babies that dont like car travel, some of my friends have also had to suffer this with their children.

  9. SO so sorry for the loss of those young parents. My heart broke when I read that. I will be praying for them. Then little Maisie spread cheer through me with her lovely smile. So glad no one was hurt. Blessings, Michele.


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