
Sunday 17 August 2014

A right Royal treat

Today was a grand day for a visit but her Royal Highness wasn't home and I bet she is glad to get away from the crowds we witnessed! But what a bonus that her home is open to the public for a few weeks a year … yes we were treated to a visit to not only the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace but we had a private tour of the gardens…..almost as good as a garden party!

As I ponder this visit it reminded me of AA Milne and his poem Buckingham Palace  and especially this verse……

They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace -
Christopher Robin went down with Alice.
They've great big parties inside the grounds.
"I wouldn't be King for a hundred pounds,"
                                     Says Alice.

An extra special bonus was the special exhibition "Royal Childhood" which gave us an intimate look at what it was like to be a 'royal child' with displays of clothes, memorabilia, toys and family films. So charming to see Queen Elizabeth as a girl doing what little girls do! No photos are allowed inside so just a few that I could take outside……

 A right royal coffee……..

 And then a few iconic London views from the bus window on the way back to the hotel…….

Tomorrow is our last day with a visit to Windsor all planned so see you then x

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