
Monday 18 August 2014

A grand finale - Part 2

Helen outdid herself tonight with selecting the most magnificent surrounds for our final dinner at Cliveden House where we dined in the magnificent Dining room. We all wondered if we were seated in the seat where Winston Churchill, George Bernard Shaw and many other famous people had sat. The history of the house is fascinating and you can read more about the house HERE. It was certainly a night to remember so here are a few final moments and treasured memories………

 Thankyou Helen for not only a wonderful tour but for all your gracious hospitality and caring attention. And thanks to all of you who came….if it wasn't for all of you there would simply be no tour! Long live the incredible designs of William and May Morris!


  1. Thanks for the tour with you Michele, bit worried now, be a bit of difference coming up in September!

  2. My my, you ate dinner at that table? Very grand indeed, it is a wonderful memory evening. Well done Helen and Michele.

    The gardens in these pictures are lovely as well. I like gardens.


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