
Monday 28 July 2014

It's all about flowers

It was our first day together as a group today - not all William Morris focused but instead a time to get to know each other and just enjoy the day ........and what a 'floral delight' of a day it was. We started at Hidcote Manor Garden and really there are no words required so enjoy the gorgeous sights..........

 After a belly full of pudding for lunch we had a quick treat on the way back to our hotel where we stopped at Cotswold Lavendar..........the smell was overpowering and the fields of wildflowers glorious...........

 So as you can see it was really a 'brain rest' day today. I am a tad weary so I am planning a sandwich in my room and an early night as we have a workshop all day until then........


  1. touring those gardens would be exhausting! so beautiful, I love places like that you want to see everything but by time you are done like you I would be resting in the room with a light supper and an early night.

  2. Lovely photos of a fabulous garden. Do enjoy your time. ( I hope the cough gets better ).

  3. Wow Michele! Looks marvelous.... Best of luck with your workshop tomorrow! Hope you are feeling better...


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