
Wednesday, 23 April 2014

One lucky girl

I had a presentation to do today for the annual CWA fundraising day. It was wonderful to hear that the organisation is full of enthusiasm with news of lots of new groups starting in the state with many young members. So I was home quite late before  I realised I had forgotten to check the letterbox. In it was a card to say "Sorry we missed you but there are flowers hidden around the side of your house". What q great delivery service from Tynte Flowers. Not only were the flowers well hidden but they were already in water in a gorgeous glass vase…… what a lucky girl am I?

 Thankyou Tim, Jim and the team at Lloyd Curzon and Jason and staff from In the Beginning Fabrics….I am so lucky to work with the nicest guys ever and the flowers are gorgeous…thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! Seeing as I am blogging late at night I thought I would share the first stage of the new Thorngrove Manor quilt…..not too much to reveal just yet as I need to share it with them first. But this is the corner where I work surrounded by bits from the room in the hotel and of course design books to help fill the gaps…….

 I have quite a few William Morris books on the shelf so it should be all drawn up by the end of the week.
Emily drove me to my event today as I am without a car 3 days a week with Larry back at work……..but that comes with a bonus visit from the little man and he was glad to be there when his Poppa got home from work too……..
 And to finish the night we witnessed the most incredible sunset……love this time of year as the cooler months set in. Take care and more news on the quilt progress soon x


  1. What a sunset! And such lovely flowers, Michele!

  2. Those flowers are extraordinary, as is the sunset.
    Michele, if someone could only buy one of your books, which would you recommend?


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