
Monday, 27 January 2014

Packing, packing and more packing!

I thought three years ago that we had really downsized and that I had also de-cluttered….but it would appear that side of my life crept back in again….not to mention the hundreds of books that belong to Larry! We have been working solidly for the last week sealing the tile grout, painting some walls and of course packing and shifting boxes of "stuff" to the new house. The big moving day is only two sleeps away so I have no exciting photos or quilting news to share!! So for now all I can do is share these lovely photos that Brett and Emily have taken over the past few weeks……..

I hope our Australian friends had a wonderful Australia Day yesterday……a little 'ho hum' for us as we were packing! We have a few more hot days this week of over 40C but thankfully Wednesday will only be 34C… I will speak to you after the move xx


  1. Good luck with all the work and the moving. I don't envy you but I am sure it will be worth it in the end! Gorgeous photos of your little man and the new little person as well!

  2. Wish I was there to help, so saying prayers that all goes well and no injuries. As a child and young girl we moved constantly. I said when I got married I was going to stay in one place and that's what's happened - 45 years in the same place. I'd probably take a few things (like my stash, machine, and books and leave the rest. Why? My husband is a pack rat.

  3. 2 sleeps away before your actual move? This was indeed a busy day for all of you. These are the days that you have to pack everything you own, like furniture, kitchenware, and so on, and make sure that all your boxes are ready for the big day of moving out. I hope it went smoothly.

    Clay @

  4. How exciting - another grandchild. We have just had our first one and I am indeed very smitten. I truly didn't understand the love that grandparents have for their childrens' children until we became grandparents.


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