
Saturday, 9 November 2013

My Thursday shock

As I mentioned in my last post our Guild exhibition opened this week. I had received a call on Wednesday to say I had won an award but as we drove to the show on Thursday morning I had no idea what it would be. About 15 minutes before we arrived I received a phone call from someone saying that she was standing beside my quilt and wanted to know more about it so she could tell people! Now I wasn't quite sure why she had phoned as the show didn't open for another 15 minutes, so I briefly mentioned how long it took and then hung up. I said to Larry that the phone call bothered me and upset me a little as I could not work out why she would be 'standing beside my quilt'! Well all was revealed when I entered the venue - yes I received my fourth Best of Show award! Now I am very excited about it all but it comes as a great shock and surprise when you least expect it! I had actually come to dislike this quilt as I had spent so many months working on it and in the end decided it was possibly one of my least favourite creations!! Now I don't have a good photo of it but you might recall early in the year my preparation and cutting out while we driving through this country…….
 I had everything traced and ready for cutting during the long hours on the road……...
 and this was one of the "bridges" I talked about to keep things together before pressing……..
The quilt also came with me to the UK and back so I could make the most of the very long hours on the plane. I managed to do about 30 more hours of embroidery while it travelled. We always have a show and tell evening on the tour so the quilt came out for that. These are the only photos I can show you that were taken by Diane on that night (thanks Diane)…….

Tomorrow I am volunteering once again so I hope I can get some better photos. This was the last one I took on the floor before I packed it for the show…….
So yesterday it was a blessing to unwind a little from the emotional excitement and I spent it with some very special friends who joined us on one of the William Morris tours in the UK last year. They came all the way from Canberra and Victoria and timed it so they could also visit our quilt show. So yesterday we saw a very small selection of some William Morris in Adelaide. We started our day at the Art Gallery of South Australia where we had a chance to see a special piece that the gallery kindly got of our storage for us. This is Acanthus Portiere and the embroidered panel was completed in the 1890's. It was so special to be so close and an absolute thrill that the European and Australian Decorative Arts Curator, Robert Reason joined us to talk about it…….

 After viewing some more of the Gallery collection we decided it was time for a coffee..and take a look at the paper table covers…...the girls each got to take one home …..
 and then we noticed the art on one of the coffees!!…...
 Next stop was Carrick Hill with Morris curtains and incredible embroideries. No photos of them but the house is always very photogenic…..

Sadly the heavens opened as we had lunch but we were still smiling…...

 Final stop was St Augustines Church to see the famous Morris windows……….

 And then to finish the day - another coffee break! There is so much more to see and hear about William Morris in Adelaide but this was just a very brief look. I am planning a big Morris event in Adelaide in 2016 so stay tuned for that! Thanks girls for such a memorable day xxx


  1. Congratulations Michele!!! Well deserved!

  2. well done!! congratulations I think it is beautiful

  3. What a beautiful quilt, congratulations. Look forward to hearing more about the Adelaide William Morris event coming up.

  4. Congratulations on your win Michelle. Thanks for introducing me to the some local Morris sites, lived here for six years and go past that church and never ever knew! Now will add it to my must do list, along with Carrick Hill! The embroidery work is amazing, such talented women, such a pity they are not as robust as paintings, so they could be out on display more often.

  5. Having the seen the quilt in real life at the show yesterday, I can say it is a real beauty. Such a lot of work has gone into it, it reminds me a bit of an illuminated manuscript. Congratulations Michelle.

  6. Congratulations Michele. I'm so happy for you. The William Morris pieces at the art gallery look amazing. What a special treat for those girls.

  7. A gorgeous quilt - a very well deserved win! What beautiful work on that panel. The whole post has so much to take in. Thanks for sharing your wonderful visit with friends.

  8. It was a good job Larry was there to support you as you walked into the show . Your quilt is a magnificent work of art and well deserves this honour.

  9. Your quilt is just stunning Michele, and I just love the background and the contrast colours of the applique, Well done. You will probably fall in love with it after it returns from its Aussie tour next year! And lovely to spend time with you this week, thankyou.


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