
Saturday, 22 January 2011

US and UK quilters waiting for book

Thankyou for all your emails..........I am so sorry that a lot of you overseas are still waiting on the book. In the USA and Canada the distributor is Brewers and in the UK Search Press. The latest information I received from the publisher is as follows:

Brewers shipping company collected the stock on 7 Dec with expected arrival in NY 3 Jan and Chicago 12 Jan. How long it takes for stock to get through US customs we don’t know.
(I am not sure of the progress in the UK - the books are shipped direct from the printer in Singapore and not from Australia). Any more updates I will let you know - thanks for your patience and understanding.

And I can't believe I am sitting at my computer writing this to you all. Yesterday I had my gallbladder removed only 2 days after seeing the surgeon- the wonders of modern medicine!

have a good week X


  1. Wishing you a speedy recovery Michele. Thank heavens that particular operation isn't what it used to be, definitely the miracles of modern medicine.
    I've seen the book at the shop, and it's just delightful, you must be so proud!

  2. Take care, Michele.

    Though I have to admit, I had the same thing done a few years ago. out the next day, went to a qyuilt exhibition the next! But my body told me to take it slowly the next!

    Thinking of you!

    Judy B

  3. Wishing you a speedy recovery and take things easy! Just thought I would let you know I ordered here in UK just after Christmas and today have had an email saying it's been dispatched! So they must be filtering through now in England. Can't wait to get it, suspense is mounting lol
    Sue in UK

  4. Michele, please don't try to do too much for a few days! It's important to take care of yourself now!!
    I'm getting so eager to see your book -- thank you for the update. Did you see that Barbara Brackman mentioned it on her blog? Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery!

  5. Thanks for the update - I've been looking everywhere for the book. Take it easy and don't do too much till you are mended. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  6. Hope you are feeling better now Michele ... I purchased your book from the gang at Patchwork by Sea in Brighton SA - signed by you ... so thank you so much, you have done a beautiful job with your book and I can't wait to make the Portiere quilt - beautiful. Thankyou.
    Jane Monk

  7. Feel better! I will order this love book!
    W have many old homes here on cumberland island and have always thought the wallpapers would make gorgeous fabrics. I've mentioned to a few fabric companies, but nobody seems interested. How does one try to do this?! Lol One day..... Xo

  8. Hi Michele. Best wishes for a quick recovery. I've had the same op and you just have to take things a little easier for a while. Your new book has arrived and it is simply Stunning! Congratulations. Can't wait to start on May Flowers and Nursery Friends. Karen

  9. Michele, your second book arrived on my doorstep today. The photography is beautiful and the projects are stunning. As my sons would say: "You rock!!" I have also noticed that the Adelaide Collection is available in several UK shops (Yeah!! Punching air!) and somehow an FQ of every fabric in the collection has found its way into my house. No idea how that happened. But seeing that they are here, I better use them!! :)



Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x