
Thursday, 27 January 2011

New quilt - new designs

First of all - thankyou so very much for your get well messages and cards - I am slowly getting back to 'my old self'! Thought I would share this rose with you called a "Mothers Love". It was given to me by a friend when my Mum passed away 2 years ago. The blooms this week have been simply stunning.....
Thought you might also like to see a new quilt I have been working on while I recuperate. It is based on the tile designs of William De Morgan - a friend and work colleague to William Morris. De Morgan leased land from Morris at Merton Abbey where he produced his ceramic tiles. Most interesting reading at this link;

This is the quilt in progress - all the applique ironed on and now ready to stitch.......
I think I am going to use a narrow black sashing around all the blocks and border. I photographed many De Morgan tiles when we were in Birmingham last year at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery;
They have a fantastic collection of tiles and also a comprehensive Pre Raphaelite Art collection. Check it here;
Here are the original De Morgan tiles and then my interpretation made very simple for applique:

Have a good week X

Saturday, 22 January 2011

US and UK quilters waiting for book

Thankyou for all your emails..........I am so sorry that a lot of you overseas are still waiting on the book. In the USA and Canada the distributor is Brewers and in the UK Search Press. The latest information I received from the publisher is as follows:

Brewers shipping company collected the stock on 7 Dec with expected arrival in NY 3 Jan and Chicago 12 Jan. How long it takes for stock to get through US customs we don’t know.
(I am not sure of the progress in the UK - the books are shipped direct from the printer in Singapore and not from Australia). Any more updates I will let you know - thanks for your patience and understanding.

And I can't believe I am sitting at my computer writing this to you all. Yesterday I had my gallbladder removed only 2 days after seeing the surgeon- the wonders of modern medicine!

have a good week X

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Loving thoughts to all in Queensland

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this dreadful flooding. We are all so used to watching this happen overseas and now it is on our own soil. I have no words right now - just deep sorrow and love for everyone,
Michele X

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

The books are REALLY here!

Well the day has finally arrived and I just wanted to share the news with those of you who have been patiently waiting. Bill, our wonderful distributor is going to be a very busy boy for the next week delivering stock to all the local shops. He phoned me today to tell me he was picking them up so I met him at his first delivery point - Patchwork by Sea. Terry got a quick photo of the very first autographed book to be sold in the shop! Bill also told me all the staff at Country Bumpkin were very, very busy packaging and posting all the outstanding orders - so please enjoy when it arrives XX