
Saturday, 2 October 2010

If it looks like gold it is gold!

We arrived in Moscow last night but I still have the finale of St Pertersburg to record. So I have just handed over 960 rubles (AU$32) for 24 hours internet access (!!) - so I will be busy catching up on several days of travel. Our final spectacle was gold, gold and more gold. First visit the Peterhoff Palace
 This was the Summer palace residence for Peter the 1st
 All the fountains (well over 100 of them), are run by gravity and are turned on slowly bit by bit at 10.30am each day. Some views are before they have been switched on
 And we were told if it looks like gold it is gold!
 Below looking up at the palace
 Below looking over to St Petersburg across the Baltic sea...and it was freezing cold!
Apparently Peter the Great has a wicked sense of humour. He had this kitsch looking fountain designed to entertain and trick people.
Below you will see one of our group looking for the hidden rock
which would trigger a hidden fountain!!
 The staff are meticulous and we saw dozens like this chap raking the leaves to perfection
 The Orangery

Then we went on to Catherine's Palace - my history of the Tsars is quite crude but I think Peter's daughter Elizabeth had this built and named it after her mother
 So much gold..............

 We had to wear shoe protectors............

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