
Thursday, 9 September 2010

Welcome to the Royal Brittania (with Morris!!)

I have to confess that a tour of "Her Majesty's Yatch Royal Brittania" was not high on my agenda but Larry suffers through all the things I want to see so I obliged - and I have to say I am so glad I did! We spent nearly 3 hours there and here are some views:
The yatch was decommissioned in 1997 and Edinburgh won the privilege
of having it as a tourist attraction. On the right of the photo you will see the
stairwell which has been attached and is where you can enter at each level
Our first view of staff accommodation - there were 250 staff and
here is one of the Admiral's offices - and my goodness what is that seat covered in???
'Rose' from William Morris!! ......what taste
Even the Royal car had a garage on board
The Queen's bedroom
Prince Phillip's bedroom
I think this is the petty officers lounge room - William Morris coverings again!
Petty Officers dining room - I think - there was so much to see it is a bit of a blur!
The silver-ware storage room
Royal dining room
It would take 3 hours to set the table and each position
of the cutlery would be measured with a ruler
Royal lounge
Yatchsman quarters
Each locker could house a staggering 22 uniforms
and Larry is standing beside 2 lockers!
Chief petty officers sleeping quarters and William Morris again!
'Golden Lily'
The sick bay
Even the chair is covered in Morris!
The yatch could be turned into a hospital and could accommodate
200 patients in an emergency - even a fully functional surgical theatre
The laundry could wash up to 600 shirts a day and staff
may have needed to change uniform six times a day
....of course after all that!
Delicious smoked salmon sandwich
A sign on the way home
A piece of art - on closer exmination you will notice
it is just a stem, leaves, flowers and a butterfly

1 comment:

  1. I'm not into ships either, but it's quite nice isn't it? I'm suprised the Queen & Prince Phillip have seperate bedrooms !


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