
Sunday, 5 September 2010

Another day in York

The sun has continued to shine and the sights enthrall us
Minster cathedral
One of a many entrances
Spectacular colour for a hydrangea
Head turners straight from the 60's
This find was a hidden gem - Treasurer's House managed by the National Trust.

Many pieces of Rococo style Boulle furniture
Original needlework upholstery in this 1730 love-seat
17th century stumpwork
17th century bead basket used to carry rosemary
for guests at weddings and christenings
And the highlight of our visit - a beautifully hand quilted and hand embroidered quilt.
The staff member could not give me any info on the maker or date made. It was exquisite
and such a privilige to be able to photograph it even even in the darkened room.
Shame there was no label on the back of the quilt
The gardens were amazing
And the bees prolific
A shop below just for you Faye
And one for you Vanessa
And the queue at this tea room just ridiculous - must be worth the wait but not for us!
And a friend of Hamish's for you Jill
And dancing in York for you Sophie


  1. Oh Michele, Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos with us. That quilt is exquisite and I just love the 'weave' look of the quilting. The only description of the beaded basket could be "out of this world". from very envious Di

  2. Wonderful photographs Michele!!!
    Thank you for sharing. :)


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