
Sunday, 2 May 2010

Optical illusions

I still don't understand how driving home sometimes at night the moon can look very small in the sky and then you turn a corner and it is right in front of you - enormous and much closer. I 'googled' it but I still don't comprehend the scientific explanations!

I took these photos last night walking along the beach - at first it looked like a rocket had been launched into the sky - many onlookers were also fascinated until we all realised it was the optical illusion of a jet flying overhead - did make me appreciate that the earth is round!

I even got a plane going the other way in this shot

So I won't join in the philosophical and scientific debate as to why this is so (the clouds do the same thing!)......instead enjoy the cuppa I shared yesterday with the Salisbury Stitches. I was honoured to open their bi-annual quilt exhibition. I spent almost 3 hours there wandering around the wonderful display of quilts, bears, embroideries and all things 'Recycled' which was their theme for the show.

Thanks girls for asking me and for especially bringing in this cup for me to enjoy a cuppa!!

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Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x