
Sunday, 4 April 2010

Another male quilter and a winner!

  Kelmscott made by Neil Chisholm

I am finally catching up on emails and things at home - I've been away for 8 days teaching in New South Wales in Berrima at the local shop - Berrima Patchwork. We all had a great time and Tamsin kindly copied me photos but the CD tells me there is nothing on it! So photos of the workshops will have to wait for a later blog.

But for now this is the story of Neil from Ballarat. I met Neil last year and was so thrilled to see his amazing Kelmscott quilt all done in batiks! (I even came home and set to work to do a batik quilt myself which will be in the new book!) Anyway Neil kindly sent me this photo last week and permission to share it - he won a prize in the local quilt show. I am so thrilled for him but I am sorry the photo does not do the quilt justice. It is so exciting to have male quilters on board - I even had one in class in Berrima - you will hear more about 'him' (Geoff) later!!

The Garden at Nangeela by Neil Chisholm
And this is an original design by Neil - isn't it just beautiful? I am sure we will see more of his designs soon.

And a little peek at the 'Bride to Be" at her hair trial!!


  1. It's great to see men getting in on the fun too! Neil's work is beautiful.

    The Bride to be looks lovely and so happy.

  2. the quilt is beautiful - wonderful applique.

  3. The Bride to Be is glowing and I love those quilts....!!

  4. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....


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