
Sunday, 21 February 2010

New look website

Thankyou to each and everyone of you that visit my blog - I am humbled by your attention! If you haven't already seen it I have a new look website;

My publisher Country Bumpkin have been so supportive of my quilting endeavours and Lynton the graphic designer has designed this logo as my 'badge'. You will also see this on patterns in the future - thankyou to the team at CB especially Anna, Lauren, Helen and Lynton.
My thanks also to Christine; who has helped me set up just what I wanted. Her patience and help were wonderful and the best bit is that she is a quilter - not sure if she gets much time to do that though! I will be able to manage the website myself which is a huge bonus. I am on a steep learning curve and so some of the pages will need 'tweeking' over the months - especially the photos in the gallery page - room for improvement there! So if you are looking to upgrade or get a new website I encourage you to contact Christine via the link above.
Do visit me at the website from time to time - I enjoy tracking where visitors come from and today I even had visitors from Belgium and Alaska!!

And I will leave you with a sneak peek at one of the projects in my new book (due for release later in the year). This is an appliqued tablecloth completed by a dear friend who is fighting the 'Big C" with chemo and radiotherapy - one gutsy lady! (Luv ya JG!)


  1. (blush) Thanks for the kind words. It really was a priviledge to be asked to work on your site.


  2. Downtown Bordertown isn't going to look very exciting in the visitors book! It shows up as Woodville on my site anyway!

    Judy B


Thankyou for dropping by and sharing in my journey. And thanks especially for your lovely comments….I may not always respond (especially if there is no email address) but please know you are appreciated x