
Monday, 9 March 2009

A William Morris Garden Quilt

This is the new quilt - blocks almost completed - now for the borders


  1. Oh Michelle this is so beautiful quite Art Deco ....I can see this pattern in Ausrose' future...

  2. Dear Michele - great work love the perspective of the 'complete' flowers - also enjoying the book!

  3. Hi Michelle, LOOOOOVVVVVEEEE the new quilt!!! Havent had chance yet to make anything out of your new book, but will get to it sooner or later :))

    Keep up the good work


  4. Hi Michele,
    Have just finished watching your book launch video, Congratulations, you must be so proud!What a great achievement!I havn't had a look at the book yet,it will be in the next order so will browse it then, and I love your blog, a great way to keep in touch with the rest of us William Morris fans.I will check back regularly to see what you have been doing. I am sure in a couple of months you will wonder how you had time to go to work!(lucky you).
    Dont forget to put us on your list if you ever plan a trip to WA, would love to catch up again and I could fill a class with you in a couple of days( I would be swamped with ladies wanting to do it).
    Love the look of this new quilt!
    Talk to you again soon,
    much love


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