Well here I am almost two weeks after surgery and with a lot of resting I have had a lot of time to reflect. So what have I learnt from this ongoing detour? I am only sharing this in the hope it might help someone else (as others have for me). I am going to intermingle my thoughts with more joy that I have received in the way of gifts, cards and flowers.....oh and home cooked meals too! I am not going to share those individuals......you know who you are and how thankful I am......thankyou all xxx The first thing I have learnt is how incredibly kind and thoughtful others have been towards me sometimes from the most unexpected places. The postman and delivery guys know us well now! Home baked goodies brought a huge smile to Larry too......
I have learnt that cancer does not discriminate and if you already have a gene defect the statistics are not in your favour. For the record I have triple negative breast cancer with the BRCA2 gene defect which means I already had a 70-80% chance of getting breast cancer (and ovarian). Despite annual checks this sneaky lesion grew to 3cm in a very short space of time and I feel so lucky that I felt it. The down side to having this gene defect is that I may have passed this on to our adult daughters so they too will need genetic counselling and testing............I have learnt that this surgery is quite uncomfortable! I had to have a double mastectomy and two weeks on I am still very sore but I am so grateful for these beautiful cushions that were given to me in hospital from the Zonta Club of Fleurieu Peninsula Inc.........I have learnt that a room with a view in hospital is a welcome addition!!.........
Once again I learnt of the value of life saving blood donations given so willingly by strangers to help others. So I had another two transfusions while in hospital........

I have learnt that one's toes are very good at picking things up off the floor and that hanging rails in wardrobes are very high!! I've also learnt that the giving of gifts brings great pleasure to others and that sometimes they seem to know me scarily well and that they want no fuss or thanks!!!.......
I have learnt that dinner cooked by others tastes the very best and that occasionally one can have a treat........I have learnt how important friends and family can be and having them stand by your side is so essential and I am so grateful......and that my hair (and eyelashes), will grow back again one day!!!!