
Thursday, 26 April 2018

Too pooped to pop!

'Too pooped to pop' is a phrase I have used for many years and the origins seem to come from several sources. But I do know here in Australia we have our very own unique words and phrases including 'flat out like a lizard drinking' which is exactly how I feel at the moment.......
Busy family times and yet another serious food allergy yesterday may have played a part in my demeanour and frustratingly this is the second serious reaction I have had in the last two weeks!  I have an action plan which of course ends up with adrenaline but I avoid that at all costs because it means having to go to hospital. Instead I take so many anti-histamines that the next day I am as 'flat as a tack'! So there you go.....I've had a moan and feel better already - thankyou! In just three sleeps it is our second "William Morris in Adelaide" tour so I am nearly all prepared for that. Tomorrow I have a William Morris presentation to give in Kadina which is incredibly exciting because the Anglican Church is celebrating their William Morris stained glass windows! I will have to set off early as it is almost 180kms from home and I need to cross the city and there are numerous major roadworks along the way. But what a day it will be celebrating Morris! The past week has been mostly family focused (with a lot of Morris stained glass window research as well!). We had some very welcome rain but the sun is out again and the plants are well and truly confused. The trees should be glowing in Autumn colours but aren't, but there are some new blooms in the garden.........

Miss Maisie and young Beau adore their little cousin so we have had some lovely time with them all......
Maisie decided it was time that little Wade met her babies too!!......

 We all went on the train to the city one day and I took Beau to the museum for a special dinosaur exhibition.....

And yesterday was our day of rememberance - Anzac Day with special memories of my late Dad and his service in Bomber Command.....
The other excitement during the week comes from afar where several friends are enjoying a tour in the USA! It is so nice to see their smiling faces on the group's Facebook site and it looks like they are having the very best time......... 
Our friend Judy is there too and this is the very first time she has travelled can follow the journey through her eyes by clicking here....
Delma and Faye.........
and Faye drooling over her favourite fabrics........

and with Ricky Tims too!......
So I will say farewell till next time hoping that wherever you are life is good x

Thursday, 19 April 2018

William Morris Today

It would seem that the designs of not only William but also his daughter May Morris are well and truly alive and relevant for today. Everywhere I look I see contemporary designers clearly influenced by their designs. In the shops this week I found a personal care range and even some clothing......
I found it so refreshing to hear Rebecca Evans (the European and Australian Decorative Arts Curator at the Art Gallery of South Australia), during our William Morris in Adelaide tours, reinforce the relevance to Morris in our lives today. To hear a young inspiring curator look at his ideals and work ethic in our current world made so much sense. I have just caught up with a friend this afternoon for a well overdue chat over coffee and she shared that she had seen this latest publication in the local book shop so I just had to have it. It is a beautiful book that was published for the special May Morris: Art and Life exhibition that was held earlier this year at the William Morris Gallery in the UK. I have been wanting this book for a while now and I know I will be spending many hours admiring it all. It was a great thrill to see our collection here in Adelaide highlighted in the book as well.......

 I also received an email form a friend to tell me that perhaps I should consider buying the latest issue of Today's Quilter from the can see why!......
 During the week I also came across this image of Mick Jagger.......thankyou to Karen tonight who alerted me to my is in fact George Harrison wearing a William Morris print jacket in the Golden Lily pattern in the 1960' then and now we still love Morris!

It has been just a few days since I farewelled the guests on our very first tour and I was overwhelmed with their kind words and gifts to say thankyou. It was certainly a great thrill to know that many said it exceeded their expectations. And in just 10 sleeps I will be doing it all again! During the days before the tour I did spend some time with little Maisie and decided to take her to the Art Gallery. She enjoyed it all as you can see.......

 We also had the wonderful opportunity of helping a friend celebrate her 60th birthday and what a wonderful surprise it was for her especially the special birthday cake..........
 I received an email a few days ago from Helen showing me her completed Peter Rabbit interactive bed runner/bag and what a fabulous job she did. Thankyou for sharing Helen......

 So it just wouldn't be right if I didn't conclude with some photos of little Wade. We can't quite believe he has been here almost 6 months but in real terms he is only 13 weeks old and already enjoying a swimming lesson........
Till next time take care x